Monte Carlo Ray Tracer

by Cody Thompson


This is a general purpose ray tracer used to produce high quality renders of multiple scenes of ranging complexity (e.g. reflections, geometry, lights, and anti-aliasing). This ray tracer also utilizes Monte Carlo Ray Tracing to produce Globally Illuminated renders with color bleeding.



Cool Rendered Images

These pictures show the features of the Ray Tracer.

Multiple depth refraction with reflection.

Refraction Reflection with Camera Transform

This has a maximum recursion depth of 10 and runs quickly. Minimal reflections shown from Schlick's refraction algorithm.

Multiple Lights with Anti-Aliasing.

Multiple Lights with Anti-Aliasing

Using five differently colored lights with minimal reflection to show the backs of the spheres. Anti-aliasing was included to smooth out each sphere.

Global Illumination with High Geometric Complexity.

Cornell Box with Wave Mesh using MCRT with ~90k Objects

Global Illumination using Monte Carlo Ray Tracing. There are over 80,000 geometric objects in the scene, most of which are used to form the wave.

Future Work

Bonus! VR Scene Using Unity and Google Cardboard

VR Wind Scene Created with Unity


This is a very simple scene made in unity. There are simple trees with leaves that move according to an added wind scene object. The robot has eyes that, when pressed, toggle the virtual reality double image (WARNING: RECOMMENDED TO NOT PRESS WHEN USING GOOGLE CARDBOARD). The scene has boxes in each top corner that, when pressed, play a particle emission to sorta simulate water. Note: The corner boxes do not toggle the particle effect, only play it.

Some VR Scene Pictures