Final Projects

Jeffrey Lam CPE 473


Our final projects for Advanced Rendering were to show off the the capabilities of our Ray Tracer programs through unique images and to create a Google Cardboard Virtual Reality environment.

Ray Tracer

Due to many difficulties, my RayTracing program lacked many features. Therefore, I focused on playing around with reflection and refraction.

This image includes a solid sphere within a refracted sphere with a reflected sphere beside it.


This image includes a mirrored sphere within a box with 5 mirrored planes.


This image plays with different colored refraction spheres with varying indexes of refraction.


Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is the cheap VR experience that utilizes cheap materials and a smart phone.

With the help of the Ray Wenderlich tutorial, I was able to create a game that simulates shooting at zombies. With all the assets from the Unity Assets Store, I was able to maintain a cartoonish and dark zombie night theme. I utilized the skybox, fog, and a spotlight. Other objects like rocks and trees were placed to create more of a sense of environment. Zombies come from different directions and walk towards different angles. The reticle is used to help guide the user's aim.
