CPE 473 Final

Sam Freed

Raytracer Images

Image 1 The first image showcases some interesting geometry with regards to refraction. 121 minutes.

Image 2 The refraction involving the sphere looks really cool and I like the soft lighting. The refractive sphere also has a reflective purple sphere inside of it. The shadows also turned out interesting. 269 minutes.

Image 3 In this last image you can see color bleeding on the spheres and on the ground under the refractive box. The high IOR of the box causes some interesting refraction. 76 minutes.

Google Cardboard VR

I made a simple 'target practice' game where you throw a bunny at easter eggs. Each target hit increases your score and the goal of the game is to hit as many targets as possible before time runs out. Every time a target is hit the texture on the 'egg' target changes. Also, the background is a skybox.

The project was started mostly from scratch (I started with the Google demoscene but removed everything except for the plane and camera). The bulk of my time was spent learning how Unity worked with respect to scripting and physics. It took a little while to understand how to make the objects behave the way I wanted to. Also, I experimented with the terrain generation tool and particle systems but didn't end up putting them in the final game.

Image 1 Image 2

I was inexperienced with Unity so I wasn't sure how to make some things work like adding textures to the .obj files. I also couldn't get the UI to display in front of the camera properly: the UI would show up in the Unity scene editor but it would disappear when actually playing the game. After a couple hours I found this which suggests that the worldspace UI not appearing is a bug in Unity 5.3.5. In the image below you can see the red text appears properly in the scene editor and the camera preview, but when the game starts it disappears.

Image 3

Also I tried to add some more geometry into the scene but it made the framerates on my phone worse than they already were (sub 15 FPS) so I had to remove them. I don't know if I did something dumb in Unity that's killing performance or if it's just my phone getting old.