BVH For Complex Lighting

Created a BVH for area lights using an OctTree and Priority Queue

by: Nathaniel Copeland

Number of area lights: 27,270, 60 rays per pixel, max depth of 30, time: 40.6 minutes
Spheres with Many Lights

Number of area lights: 20, 20 rays per pixel, max depth of 30, time: 43 seconds
Close Up Sphere

Number of area lights: 800, 20 rays per pixel, max depth of 30, time: 5.5 minutes
Lights over Plane


Number of area lights: 1200, 20 rays per pixel, max depth of 30, time: 70.5 minutes
Two planes, bunch of lights

Number of area lights: 1600, 30 rays per pixel, max depth of 30, time: 120.5 minutes
Two planes, bunch of random lights


Scratch Pixel: Introduction To Acceleration Hierarchy's