Monte Carlo Raytracer
This Raytracer utalizes the Monte Carlo color bleeding meathod of ambient lighting. It uses 256 sampling rays per intersection to determine a sampling of the objects around to do color bleeding. Sampling rays where generated using a cosine weighted stratified sampling meathod to reduce the nosie of the image. In addition distance attenuation was added to make the color bleeding be a function of distance which is a better repersentation of light.
A bounding volume hierarchy was implemented to add a speed up to the raytracer. Bunny Jumbo was rendered with out monte carlo color bleeding but with anti-alising in one minute and twenty seconds. This is a significant speed up compared to the non BVH implementation where it took over three hours.
Following Features Successfully implemented
- Reflections
- Refractions
- Shadowing
- Monte Carlo Color Bleeding
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
- Povray File Format Parser