CSC473 - Advanced Rendering Techniques
Final Project – Bryan Clevenger
March 19, 2010
program combines several different GLSL Shaders on relatively simple OpenGL, Glu,
and Glut primitives. The program itself provides standard first person camera
controls. Scenes are selected by choosing the appropriate number key.
Scene 1:
Primitives – A quad, a cube, and a sphere.
– Light Map & Color Map
– Light Map, Color Map, & Bump Map
Purpose: Demonstrate using textures to determine shadows, and
modification of normals on a flat polygon.
Scene 2:
Environment Mapped Reflection – Uses 6 textures in a
texture cube to look up reflection value.
Scene 3:
X-Ray Shader – Shows falloff given distance from camera,
normal direction. Allows seeing inside of otherwise solid geometry.
Scene 4:
Cartoon Shader – Adds “cartoon” shading to general
geometry, exaggerating colors to produce flat specular and diffuse values.
Scene 5:
Alpha Mapped Teapot – Uses a texture to determine alpha
mapping, allowing for “wirey” objects that are otherwise solid
Scene 5.5:
Alpha Mapped Sphere – Uses a texture to determine alpha
mapping, allowing for “wirey” objects that are otherwise solid
Scene 6:
Displacement Mapped, Environment Mapped Sphere – Combines
environment mapping with displacement mapping to create a dynamically changing
amorphous blob.
Scene 6.5:
Displacement Mapped, Environment Mapped Teapot – Combines
environment mapping with displacement mapping to create a dynamically changing
amorphous teapot.