Sunny To

Final Project

CSC 473 - Winter 2010


My final project is a simple music visualizer. It is rendered using shaders, the most advanced being a bloom shader (my signature 'blooms' in pulses to the music. It is pretty constricted in the type of music file it uses. It has to use a mononatural, uncompressed, PCM wav file with a 11025 sampling rate.

Here's a download link to a working executable of my visualizer: Download!


  • FFTW: The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. It is a library I used to transform an audio signal from time to frequency domain.
  • ALUT: Sound library I used to do sound playback. ALUT is to OpenAL as GLUT is to OpenGL. 'Nough said.

How To Run

build filename.wav

Here's a nifty command to convert an mp3 into a wav file my visualizer can run: ffmpeg -i song.mp3 -ar 11025 -ac 1 song.wav