CSC474 - Fall 2012
Alex Waas
Animation - Final Project

My final project is an animation including Wil E Coyote and his usual antics. He lights a rocket off,
only for it to spin around uncontrollably and land right on top of him. For the technologies included
in my final project, I have hierarchical modeling, skinning, forward kinematics, particle system, and
path following. The wick for the rocket, is actually a hierarchical model, with about 30 different
segments that are controlled by a variable. The coyote model is a skinning example, however, it is
faked a bit, because of the issues with exporting to MD5. However, the original blender file is included
in the archive, which does use skinning. The fire particles and "blasting off" coyote movement are
simple constant velocity forward kinematics. The particle system is a simple cone emitting system, that
that initializes a particle with a random set of parameters. The particle initially is fairly "yellow",
then as the lifetime goes down, the particle turns more red, producing a nice fire effect between the
particles. Finally, for path following, the path of the rocket is a preset array, which the program
then interpolates in-between using Catmull-Rom splines.


Unzip the given file and create it using "make" or "make all".

In game controls are as follows:
R - Restart Animation
Q - Quit Animation

Wil E Coyote model obtained from here.
MD5 Model loader obtained from here.
OBJ Loader is made by Ross Light
