CPE 474 Final Project

Goodbye to Bob


This was my final project at the end of my Computer animation class. I used a simplified BOID simulation to control a group of paper airplanes in flight. There is also a particle fire which is meant to show the flame of the lamp erupting after it has been dropped. Finally, the character onscreen is controlled using skinning, which is accomplished via the MD5 file format imported thanks to the ASSIMP library.

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User Instructions

This is mainly a non interactive program. The user has the ability to pause, and restart the animation sequence, but as it is meant to be story driven, the main interaction by the user is to simply sit back and enjoy.


The user can pause the playback by pushing p on the keyboard. Pushing p a second time will resume the video. Pressing r restarts the animation sequence. Pressing q will terminate the program.


Cal Poly CPE471 - Intro to Computer Graphics.
Various source code provided by Zoe Wood.

Boids Pseudocode
This is a straight forward description of a Boids system. This was taken and converted into OpenGL calls.

Creating Fire in a Particle Editor
This is a guide to creating a fire using a particle engine. I mainly used this for basic principles as well as the fire texture.

Asset Importer Library
This library was used to import the MD5 format for Bob.

Skeletal Animation with Assimp
This is a tutorial detailing how to import and use the MD5 using the Assimp library from above.

Site by Christopher McKee