A Rocket's Journey

[An Animation by Robert Burton]

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M - Speed Up Animation
N - Slow Down Animation
P - Pause
Click - Place Force Field
F - Change Force Field Type


"A Rocket's Journey" is a story about a rocket that explores the vast world of animation. He starts at a stop, with no spin. He then learns how to move and picks up speed and rotation. Then he realizes he can change direction and goes into a loop using a Catmull Rom Spleen. Then he decides to really pick up the speed and activates his particle system boosters.


He then discovers a Forward Kinematics Man and decides to fly in for a closer look.


The man bends as he approaches and he flies around him.


He then sees a scary monster that tries to hit him (but it doesn't really since the skinning wasn't figured out).


He loops around it and then zooms away and through a particle system fire.


The user can then use forcefields to play with the fire at the end of the animation. The user does this by clicking on the screen to move the forcefield, and pressing 'f' to change the type of forcefield (push, pull, divide fire).