Project Report
Chris Johnson
Mike Fouquette
Mike Gilbert
Mike Stone
General Description of Snakes Apocalypse
Apocalypse is a multiplayer hotseat game where several teams of snakes have an
arsenal of various weapons to use to destroy each other. The game begins by
generating a random fractal terrain and places each team's snakes randomly on a
piece of land. The terrain has a particular water level, where everything at or
below this level is filled with water, and will cause instant death to snakes
who walk there or are hurled there. The game has three camera views which can
be switched between except in certain circumstances. Top-down view will have
the camera directly above the terrain at a height that will allow the user to
see the entire map. From third person view, the user is stuck looking at the
current snake, with freedom to rotate about it, and
zoom in and out. From this mode, the player can switch to first person, which
is good for aiming weapons. Once the game starts, players take turns
controlling one of their snakes. At this point they are able to move the snake,
switch camera views, select a weapon, and fire a weapon. This is all done in
real time. Once the snake has fired their weapon, there is a small time to
retreat, after which no more input is allowed, and the next player's turn
begins. A turn has a specific amount of time to move around before firing their
weapon. If the time limit is reached, the player's turn is forfeit.
Each player controls a certain number of snakes, and all snakes on the same
team are colored the same.
Game Environment
The terrain is be generated randomly at startup using a fault formation
fractal algorithm. The resulting terrain is then lightmapped, texture mapped
and detail mapped. It is deformable by nearly all the weapons in the game. The
algorithms, texture maps, and detail maps will be based on those in Focus on
3D Terrain Programming, by Trent Polack.
Character Descriptions
The snake models are somewhat cartoonish. These were created by Michael Gilbert
using 3D Studio Max.
Goal of the Game
The goal of the game will be to use your team of snakes to kill the other
team of snakes. Weapons will be available to accomplish this goal. Various
weapons will allow various ways of killing the other team's snakes. The weapons
can hurt your own team as well, so care must be taken when aiming.
General Description of Rules
snake has a specific amount of health to start at. Health will drop due to
weapons striking them directly or exploding near them. During a player's turn,
there is a specific amount of time to move the active snake and fire a weapon,
as described in the general description. The overall goal of the game is to
kill all the other snakes (that are not on your same team) by reducing their
health to zero with the provided weapons.
Special Effects
Most of the special effects are described in the "Game Features"
section. Additionally, we implemented decent explosions and sound effects. The
explosion effects are all done with particle systems and the sound effects were
done using a library named fmod.
Game Features
- Terrain (Mike Stone,
Mike Fouquette) The terrain was done with a fault
line algorithm to produce the height map. A texture was produced and
algorithmically applied. This created a smooth looking terrain with
rolling hills that change in texture based on elevation.
- Light Map A slope lighting technique was used to produce
light maps for the terrain after it is generated and then the light map
is applied to the terrain.
- Quad Tree The terrain was placed in a quad tree data
structure in order to increase the efficiency of view frustum culling.
The leaves of the tree are geo mip-map squares, and each square contains
information about its children and neighbors.
- Geo Mip-mapping Geo mip-mapping was implemented for the
level of detail. Each mip-map square contains the same number of vertices
and is drawn with a different number of triangles based on the distance
of the camera from the geo mip-map. This allows terrain that is far away
to be drawn with a low number of vertices.
- Geo-Morphing This was implemented in an attempt to avoid
popping (which we later discovered to be at least partially caused by the
texture map). In a way it worked, the vertices of each mip-map are slowly
changed to the new positions when the level of detail changes. Thus,
instead of popping directly to their new position and being noticeable,
each change in level of detail is slowly done. This works well most of
the time, but when the terrain has drastic elevation differences between
two very close triangles can cause a type of swimming effect when
combined with geo-morphing.
- Texture Mapping
(Everyone) Textures are applied to every model in the game to make things
realistic looking.
- Collision Detection
(Everyone) Collision detection happens between any object and the terrain,
snakes and water, snakes and weapons, and camera and terrain. Collision
between an explosion and a snake includes the force the explosion has on
the snake (including direction and magnitude). Appropriate consequences
will result from other collisions. Collision detection is done several
ways, but in most cases bounding spheres are used to detect collisions.
- Weapon Development (Everyone) Our variety of weapons,
described in detail later on, were developed by
- Explosions (Mike Gilbert, Mike Fouquette, Chris) The explosions were developed using a particle system
with alpha blending. They consisted
of a main explosion, smoke particles, and shrapnel pieces. Each explosion is made unique by using a
random number generator to affect different aspects of the explosions.
- Camera Manipulation (Mike Gilbert, Mike Stone, Chris) The camera has three main modes: Attached, Detached,
and Sky view. Attached view means
that wherever the camera is aiming, the worm follows. Detached allows for free movement of the
camera. Sky view moves the camera
to an overhead view, allowing for a view of the entire map.
Extra Game Feature
- Terrain Deformation
(Mike Gilbert, Chris) Explosions will deform the mesh in appropriate ways,
and will adjust the texture and the lightmap to take the changes into
Game Weapons
- Bazooka A cylinder
appears next to the snake, aligned with where the weapon is aimed. As the
snake changes aim, the cylinder will follow. Pressing and holding the fire
button will increase the charge of the rocket. The higher the charge, the
more force the rocket is sent from the cylinder. The rocket will be a
simple bullet mesh that travels in a parabolic curve relative to forces of
gravity and wind. Upon impact on anything, a small explosion occurs.
Strike This weapon can only be fired from top-down view. The user
clicks an initial point on the terrain, and drags to another point. The line along the terrain specified by these 2 points are
then bombed at random positions with a particular pre-set number of
bazooka bullets. A smaller specified line has precision, while a longer
line has less chance of hitting desired targets. An addition, if time
provides, will be to have the camera follow the bombing after it begins.
- Dynamite When fired by
pressing the fire button, the snake drops a stick of dynamite, which is a
red cylinder with a white smaller cylinder for the fuse on top. The fuse
will diminish until it hits the top of the dynamite, and then an explosion
- Mine This weapon is fired in a similar manner to the dynamite
stick. However, it does not explode
immediately. The fuse is only lit
when another game object moves within a certain distance of it. It will then begin a countdown to
- Grenade Similar to a dynamite stick, but it can be thrown
great distances. It also bounces on
the terrain more than other weapons.
- Nuclear Strike Similar to the Air Strike, except that it is
always dropped in the middle of the map, and the damage it does is many
times that of any other weapon.
- Holy Hand Grenade Similar to a grenade, but it deals
significantly more damage.
Users Guide
- Arrow Keys: Move the snake
relative to its gaze vector/look direction.
- Mouse: Controls the gaze
vector/look direction
- Space Bar: Fires the
currently selected weapon. The
longer it is held, the farther the weapon will fly, if applicable.
- Comma, Period: Cycles through
the available weapons.
- z:
Goes to a top-down view of the map.
Press z again to return to a ground-level view.
- f:
Goes to a first-person view, excellent for aiming.
- d:
Detach the camera from the snake, allowing for freer movement.
- b:
Activates the secret bunny mode!
- g:
Activates the secret ghost mode!
- q: Quits the
Debugging Keys
- l:
Shows only the light map.
- c:
Toggles culling.
- w:
Toggles wire-frame mode.
- t:
Toggles textures.
Sources Tutorials were consulted
for bump mapping, but not used.
Trent. Focus on 3D Terrain
Programming. Cincinnati:
Premier, 2003. Library for sounds.