About Warheads 3-D

Warheads 3-D is, as its name implies, a 3D implementation of the 2D game, Warheads. Warheads is basically an artillery type game, only here, projectiles are affected by the gravitational pull of planets.

How to Play

There are 3 hard coded players, each sitting on a random planet's surface. Press the ESC key to center the camera on the current player.

Next bring the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen to pop out the game menu. Adjust your shot by using the arrow keys to change the angle and the power slider to adjust your shots initial velocity. (Note: any changes to the shot angle and power affect ALL players, this is to make the game even harder so can't rely on the last position of your shot to make your new one). To make things a little easier, press the 1, 2 or 3 keys to find the corresponding player.

There are two other buttons labeled shield and bounce which will activate the corresponding defense system in the riduculously low chance that an opposing player's projectile manages to hit you. Shield will lower the damage taken by a nearby explosion and bouce will reflect the projectile back if the projectile happens to hit you directly. You can only have one defense system on at a time.
Press the fire button and watch your projectile fly! Once the projectile has finished exploding, press ESC to go to the next player and repeat the process.

Screenshots and What I did

Here's the menu!

This is a shot of the menu system that I designed. It is built on top of OpenGL and checks mouse feedback to dectect hits. There's not much to say other than it works like a menu system should.

Here's the projectile trail!

The projectile trail is a STL vector of vertices built as the projectile flies its course. Usefull debugging tool and neat game effect!

I also worked on much of the behind the scenes code that a screen shot wouldn't show much such as: game logic, projectile angle acquisition (ooo! big words), and actually a little bit of everything else. I did a lot of the dirty work that on one really likes, but just needs to be done.


Warheads Homepage

If you want information about the menus, there aren't any references for that, it all came from my head. If you want to know more, let me know