The idea for this game was sparked one day on Jon's way to class. When driving
to school he was almost ran off the road by an older driver. He thought
a wreckless driving game with a Grandma as the main character would
be hilariously fun. The game needed more than simply driving around,
we thought about what other things grandmas like to do. Well, our grandmas
bake cookies! Thus, Granny Gauntlet was born!
We decided to go with a toon style graphical game. With only a ten
week timeline we thought that is would be the best option to properly
scope the project and finish with a polished game. The best suited
art style for us was low-poly models and non-photorealistic
Mechanically our game is similar to old school games like Paperboy.
To emulate wreckless driving we did a lot of work on the camera, having
it be attached to a weak-spring system and allowing the car to tilt on turns.
The aiming attachment allows the player to shoot cookies 180 degrees
around the front of the player. For a more rich experience we decided
that Granny's cookies bring life back to the town. At the beginning
of the level the town will shift to greyscale, upon delivering cookies
the houses will regain their color!
How to Play
Granny Gauntlet may be played with a controller or mouse/keyboard. We
recommend playing with a controller as it seems to be more intuitive.
Left Joystick - driving around, players can enter drive by pushing
the joystick forward, or reverse by pushing the joystick backward.
Right Joystick - controls the aiming attachment.
Right Trigger - lobs a cookie from the vehicle. Tip: holding down
the trigger powers up the shot, the aiming component will begin
to change color indicating the level of power.
D-pad up/down - controls the camera's vertical position relative
to the vehicle. If the game is paused this controls selecting.
Right Joystick (Pressed) - tows car back to starting position if
Granny gets stuck, deducts points on use.
Option/Select - pauses the game.
WASD - driving around.
IJKL - controls the aiming attachment.
O - tows car back to starting position if Granny gets stuck,
deducts points on use.
ESC - pauses the game.
Promo Vid
Backup download for video here
if YouTube is unavailable.
Entity Component System
AABB Collision Detection
Hierarchical Collision Detection using an Octree
Complex Collision Response: Object Fracturing
Hierarchical View Frustum Culling using an Octree
Weak-Spring Camera System
Shadow Mapping
Cook Torrance, Phong, and Toon Shading
Particle Systems
Textured Modelling
Custom Physics / Rigid Body Character Motion
JSON Level Loader
Controller Support
Cross-Platform: Windows / OSX / Linux
Below are screenshots of Granny Gauntlet, click any to enlarge.
Cookie in flightPlayer driftingFracturing fire hydrant (notice fragment shadows to the
left). The billboard and particles are also spawning.Fracturing baby cribHell-mode particle system from fire hydrantHell-mode particle system and aiming component
If needed feel free to contact Jon at joncatanio at gmail. Or check
out my personal website for other
methods. Reed can be reached at rgarmsen2295 at gmail.
Alex can be contacted at alex.ehm52 at gmail.