Project Description
Ever wondered what a day in the life of a ladybug is like? Well, now you can find out! In Aphid Defense, face off against an endless hoard of aphids as they try to consume your beloved sunflower. You must defend all 3 leaves of the flower and devour any aphids that climb on them. If you let two leaves wither away, game over. It's time to fight fire with fire and eat them first before it's too late! Good luck!
Controls: keyboard and mouse
Movement with WASD
Camera controls with mouse
There are a total of 3 possible powerups that can spawn on the stem:
- Boost: temporarily increases player speed
- Size: temporily increases player size
- Healh: adds 10 health points to all leaves
- Vector
- Constant vec3 array - no go
- How to declare a boolean array in C++?
- Tutorial 17: Rotations
- C++ Strings
- rand
- Camera
- Tutorial 6: Keyboard and Mouse
- Text Rendering
- Royalty-Free Music
- Audio
- Free Sound Effects
- Tutorial 39: Particle Systems
- 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000000
- Assimp
- Mesh
- Model
- Modern OpenGL 3.0+ [MODEL LOADING] ASSIMP Setup Using CMAKE Windows
- Aphid V1
- 3D environment with multiple movement types (and the ability to switch between them).
- Entity-component system that allows for standardization of objects and functions, while avoiding a class hierarchy blob.
- Background music and sound effects on collisions
- Free moving, 3rd-person perspective camera
- Hierarchical animation
Bounding sphere collisions
- change aphid movement direction when hitting walls
- change player movement when entering / exiting a leaf
- consume an aphid (for score) or powerup (for benefits)
- Dynamic shadow mapping
- View frustum culling
Specialized rendering:
- non-photo realistic toon shading
- normal mapping on powerups
- HUD displays powerup duration and leaves' health percentages
- Particle effects play on powerup and aphid collisions with the player
- Skybox