Seeing 2020

{ Sarah Bae } { Sydney Baroya } { Katie Buck } { Jilly Empey } { Nate Trank }

CPE 476 Spring 2020

Zoe Wood

Seeing2020 is a game that combines tidying up the house by picking up your toddler’s toys with having to find your broken glasses pieces before the screen is fully blurred. This game against the clock requires players to decide if they want to prioritize tidying up or seeing clearly and is almost impossible to win. Players must avoid their toddler and dog while also finding their way around the maze of a house.


‘W’ = Go forward (you can hold it down)
‘S’ = Go backward (you can hold it down)
‘A’ = Go left (you can hold it down)
‘D’ = Go right (you can hold it down)
‘C’ = Crouch
Space Bar = Collect Item
‘L’ = Toggle light
‘E’ = Command dog
‘P’ = Pause/Play music

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