CSC 476- Oral game report


You are each required to do one ten minute in class oral game report.  Please turn in your preferences for three possible topics from those listed below or if you have other suggestions you may submit those as well.  Submit your topic preferences as soon as possible (priority will be given to earlier submissions).  Topics will be assigned by Thursday, April 1st and game reports will start in class on Tuesday, April 6th (we will likely have 1-2 reports a day for the rest of the class). 


Once you have been assigned a topic, it is your responsibility to research the topic and prepare a short informative oral report explaining this topic. Consult the references listed on the class webpage and contact the instructor if you are having trouble finding good references for your topic.  Please be considerate and construct your report so that it is useful to your classmates (imagine what you’d like to hear about this topic as a listener).  You are encouraged to try to demonstrate any relevant topics by showing their use/presence in a game of your choice.  Please make sure to focus your oral presentation on the research topic and not the game demo, but you are encouraged to share a live demo or still images of the relevant topic in a game of your choice.  You are required to create a short webpage listing any references you used in your research which you make available to the rest of the class.


Clearly some topics are much bigger then others, you are welcome to focus your report on a single implementation technique and are not expected to present all the possible algorithms for a given topic. 


Topics for oral report:





environment maps (cube or other)


bump mapping

normal mapping

Environmental effects:

            Nice water


            Shadows (projection)

            Shadows (volumes)




            Cloth simulation

            Particle systems

            Plants/Trees (please specify)

            Terrain (non-fractal, please specify)

            Crowd behavior/flocking

            Visually rich virtual worlds (techniques)


            Focal length (including line of site for 1st person shooter)

            Lighting (any effect of your choice please specify)

            Vertex shaders

Pixel shaders

Vertex buffers

            Destruction techniques

            Transparency effects (types of blending and their uses)

            Billboard explosions

            Lens flare



            2d overlay on 3D

            Consoles vs. PCs

            Direct X vs. OpenGL

            Specific card architecture or features

            Game AI (topic of your choice please specify)

            Game physics (topic of your choice please specify)

            Game peripherals (their uses and advantages)

            Alternative shading techniques (i.e. cartoon, please specify)

            Game development pipeline

            2D image effects (morphing etc., please specify)