Suggestive Contours
For Conveying Shape

Doug Decarlo
Adam Finkelstein
Szymon Rusinkieicz
Anthony Santella


Attempted by: Kristopher Yano

Abstract:            User Guide:             Executable:            Images:        References:



Suggestive contours is a type of Non-Photorealistic rendering (NPR). NPR, unlike realistic rendering styles, displays objects in a more artistic and not realistic way. Suggestive contours renders objects with mainly lines to convey the shape. By analyzing the curvature around each vertex, contours can be highlighted in areas of inflection and points of local minima. This helps convey the shape of the object while remaining true to it's defining features and nothing more.

For more info, visit Doug Decarlo's website, and possibly the PowerPoint presentation.



Program file contains Prog.exe and glut32.dll,
To run drag a mesh file onto the Prog.exe
(Note: you will need to have an OpenGL v1.4 compatible video card)

Contains Triangle mesh in vertex/face format.



• Doug DeCarlo, Adam Finkelstein, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and Anthony Santella. Suggestive Contours for Conveying Shape. ACM Trans. Graph., 22(3):848–855, 2003.
• (
• Mark Meyer, Mathieu Desbrun, Perter Schroder, Alan H. Barr. Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Tirangulated 2-Manifolds. September 15, 2001.




Future Plans:
• Implement a more accurate and efficient way to find curvature.
• Using Vertex Shaders
• Texture Mapped Strokes
• Find a way to pre-calculate to use calls to texture mapping and interpolate values to increase efficiency.