Right click to access menu.

Left click and hold to rotate the object, then release.

Draw:         Drawing Styles
Contours:    Contour Options
Fun:            Shading Styles
Exit:            Exit the program

Wire:        Draws the wire frame
Flat:          Draws flat shading
Smooth:    Draws with smooth shading
Lighting:     Adds a light

Silhouette:        Adds silhouette edges
NdotV:            Adds contours at N dot V = 0, N is the normal to a point, V is viewing vector
Extra:               Adds extra contours by drawing contours at adjacent angles
Drawkr0:         Adds zero crossings of the curvature Kr.
Dwkr0:            Adds zero crossings interpolated to the viewing vector (smoother transitions)
Cutoff:             Cuts those crossings shown to areas where *Dw Kr > 0
Def II:              Adds zero crossings of Dw (N dot V)
Def II cutoff:    Cuts those crossings shown to areas where Dw (Dw (N dot V) ) > 0
Dw:                 Derivative with respect to w* vector direction (towards the camera)
*w:                  View vector projected onto the tangent plane

NdotV Shading:      Shades the object based on N dot V values
Curvature Shading:  Shades the object based on curvature values

