Project Plan
- Use format in Sec 11.6 or revise this obsolete plan.
- Due end of week 2
Feasibility Prototype
Build a functioning prototype in Java that demonstrates the technical feasibility of your intended product. For this course, its purpose is to demonstrate that your team has the technical know-how to build the product. The actual features to be demonstrated will be negotiated with the instructor. In general, you will probably be asked to write a skeleton program which demonstrates the most technically challenging aspects of your intended solution. Demo to instructor during class or office hours. Due start of week 3
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
- Posted on team wiki in WikiFormat (not PDF or Googledoc)
- Follow guidelines in Chapter 4 or use IEEE format.
- Due start of week 4
User Interface Prototype
- User Interface Prototype Document Format
- User Interface Prototype Quality Assurance criteria
- May be hosted on, but must be linked on wiki.
- Due end of week 4
High Level Design
- Design document format in section 9.7 or Dr.
Dalbey's format. Posted on team wiki in
WikiFormat. Due start of week 7
- UML Class Diagram (posted on wiki)
- Javadoc for class skeletons. May be hosted on, but must be linked on wiki.
- Javadoc tools reports 0 errors and warnings. Exceptions can be negotiated with instructor in advance.
- Suggested javadoc options:
-verbose -author -version -private -nohelp -nodeprecated -linksource -windowtitle -overview
- Tip: Netbeans > project properties > Build > Documenting > Additional Javadoc Options: -overview ${basedir}/overview.html
Detailed Design (aka "algorithm design")
Your team may choose between sequence diagrams (textbook ch
8) or pseudocode.
Due end of week 7.
- Sequence diagrams are posted on the wiki.
- Pseudocode is simply comments in your source code files. Example of how to post javadocs and linked pseudocode.
System Test Cases
- See Section 10.8. Post on wiki. Due
start of week 9.
- Recommended: System
Test Matrix to cross-reference with SRS.