Time Log
Use the provided form
Make a separate entry for each activity and keep a running total.
Please use only the activity codes from the
official list
Current Action Items
Action items describe your own tasks that are yet to be completed; they
are about the future.
List each action item assigned to you and its due date.
An action item must start with an active voice transitive verb.
You may reference a permanent action item table
kept elsewhere in your notebook or on a Palm Pilot.
Note: there are 3 dates associated with each action item; all
3 must be written in your action item list.
Personal Accomplishments (Team project only!):
Describe action items or tasks that you have completed; don't
speculate about the future.
Sentences that start "I started" or
"I almost" convey no information to your manager.
Personal List of Late Tasks and Action Items:
List things you were supposed to have finished but didn't; don't talk
about the future.
You may, if you wish, provide explanations but do not make
excuses or cast blame.
Personal Problems and Questions:
Talk about anything that affects your class performance.
Team Problems
Describe any problems your team is experiencing.
Don't whine or complain about your colleagues. A team can only
be effective if members constantly support each other. Do not,
under any circumstance, tell me you can't find a time to meet; that
is what the lab period is for.