CSC 560: Advanced Topics in Databases: Modern DBMS Architectures
Fall 2012

Instructor: Alexander Dekhtyar,, 14-215

Office Hours:
Who Where
Tuesday 11:10am - 12:00pm Alex 14-215
Wednsday 9:10am - 12:00pm Alex 14-215
Friday 9:10am - 10:00am Alex 14-215

Additional appoinments: send email.

Final Exam Date: Thursday, December 4, 2010, 10:10 - 1:00pm

News and Notes

Old News and Notes

Course Materials

Syllabus Postscript PDF
Groups HTML

Project and Assignments

Project Step 0: Team formation Postscript PDF Due: September 20 [September 17, 2012]
Assignment 1: Critique of DB research directions Postscript PDF Due: October 2 [September 19, 2012]
Assignment 2: Project Stage 1 Postscript PDF Due: October 11 [October 1, 2012]
Assignment 3: Individual Work: Survey topic/bibliography Postscript PDF Due: October 9 [October 1, 2012]
Assignment 4: Project proposal commentary Postscript PDF Due: November 6 [November 1, 2012]
Assignment 5: NoSQL to MySQL comparative study Postscript PDF Due: November 20 [November 1, 2012]

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1 DBMS and ACID Postscript PDF [September 17, 2012]
Lecture 2 DBMS Organization Chart PDF [September 17, 2012]
Lecture 3 Research Challenges Postscript PDF [September 19, 2012]
Lecture 4 RDBMS Organization: Storage of Data Postscript PDF [September 24, 2012]
Lecture 5 RDBMS Organization: Buffer Management Postscript PDF [September 26, 2012]
Lecture 6 RDBMS Organization: Concurrency Control Postscript PDF [October 2, 2012]
Lecture 7 RDBMS Organization: Crash Recovery Postscript PDF [October 2, 2012]
Lecture 8 Parallel Databases: Overview Postscript PDF [October 17, 2012]
Lecture 9 Parallel Databases: Parallel Query Processing Postscript PDF [October 17, 2012]
Lecture 10 MapReduce Postscript PDF [November 6, 2012]

Reading Material

September 17, 2012, dekhtyar at