Class Feedback
This page shows links to the various feedback questionnaires at the end of the quarter.

  • Mutual Team Member Feedback: Mandatory, will affect your team project score if you don’t submit it. This collective feedback will also affect your team score, albeit only to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).
  • Final Team Presentations Feedback: At least one per team for each final presentation. You can either submit multiple individual forms (e.g. each member does his/her own evaluation) for one team being evaluated, or coordinate the evaluation of the team among your team members, and submit only one form.
  • Class Participation: Your chance to remind me of all the great things you contributed in the class, lab, Blackboard, or related activities. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation of students.
  • Overall Class Feedback: Your thoughts on the class as a whole, and suggestions for improvement.