Week Date Topic Keywords Description Readings Guest Speaker Topic Assignment Lab Activity Project Due Student Presentation Student Commentators 1 9/18 Introduction An overview of the course. Intelligence in humans and machines: criteria, differences, problems. Intelligent Agents: autonomy, behavior, structure and types of agents. Systematic problem solving: Strategies, search methods Games: adversarial search, minimax and alpha-beta pruning, chance. Knowledge representation and reasoning: representation methods, logic, inference. Learning: inductive learning, statistical methods, neural networks, reinforcement learning. Conclusions: applications, social and ethical issues, future of AI. AIMA 1; Ertel 1; AI @ AAAI AI @ Wikipedia AI Nugget Presentation - topic selection L1: Chatbots, Hunch Topics, teams; old projects 9/20 Project overview Name/Topic: Name/Topic: 2 9/25 Intelligent Agents Structure and behavior of intelligent agents: Rationality, performance measures, omniscience; types and properties ofenvironments; agent programs, agent types. AIMA 2, Ertel 1.3,Agents @ AAAI A3: AI Competitions L2: Simple Agents Select topic, team mates AI Nugget Presentation topic 9/27 see above Due: AI Nugget topic & presentation date MS Week 2: Features, Requirements, Schedule topic proposal and date selection 3 10/2 Problem Solving and Search Well-defined problems and solutions: Problem formulation, performance assessment, systematic search as problem solving strategy AIMA 3, Search @ AAAI Uninformed Search @ Wikipedia A1: Search Algorithms L3: Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search 10/4 Uninformed Search Strategies Search without domain knowledge: breadth-first and depth-first strategies; improvements for these strategies; limitations of uninformed search AIMA 3, Ertel 6.1, 6.2, depth-first breadth-first @ Wikipedia 4 10/9 Informed Search Search with domain knowledge: heuristics, greedy best-first search, A* search AIMA 4.1, 4.2, Search @ AAAI Informed Search @ Wikipedia L4: AI in Entertainment (e.g. Games, Movies) 10/11 Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction Local search algorithms: Hill-climbing, simulated annealing, local beam search, genetic algorithms; Constraint satisfaction: Propagating information through constraints; suitable search methods. AIMA 4.3, 4.4, 5, Ertel 6.3 A2: Wumpus World MS Week 4: Prototype 1 (alpha) 5 10/16 Games Games as Adversarial Search: Two-person, zero-sum games, search strategies, minimax, alpha-beta pruning, element of chance AIMA 6, Ertel 6.4Games @ AAAI Games in AI @ Wikipedia L5: AI in Real Life 10/18 Reasoning Knowledge-based agent: Limitations of search, deductive, inductive, and other methods of reasoning, syntax and semantics, validity and satisfiability AIMA 7, 8, Reasoning @ AAAI Games in AI @ Wikipedia A1 due A1: Search Algorithms 6 10/23 Logic propositional logic, predicate logic, inference methods, resolution, unification, forward and backward chaining AIMA 7, 8, Ertel 2, 3Logic @ AAAI Games in AI @ Wikipedia A1 due L6: Games and AI 10/25 Mid-quarter Project Displays MS Week 6: Prototype 2 (beta) 7 10/30 Knowledge Representation Representation of knowledge in digital systems: categories and objects, mental vs. physical entities, actions, situations, and events; semantic networks, frame-based systems; ontologies; logic and knowledge AIMA 10, Ertel 4, 5 (Knowledge) Representation @ AAAI Knowledge representation @ Wikipedia L7: Wumpus World Agent 11/1 see above A2 Part 1 due 8 11/6 Learning Improving agent performance through learning: Forms of learning; inductive learning, decision trees; computational learning theory; AIMA 18, 19, Ertel 8(Machine) Learning @ AAAI (Machine) Learning @ Wikipedia L8: Logical Wumpus World Agent 11/8 A2 Part 2 dueA2 Part 1 Due MS Week 8: Final Version 9 11/13 Learning explanation-based learning and rule extraction; statistical learning, Bayesion networks, hidden Markov models, neural networks; reinforcement learning AIMA 20, 21, Ertel 9, 10 L9: Learning 11/15 see above A2 Part 2 due 10 11/20 Applications of AI Examples of the use of AI methods in various domains; L10: Something Funny 11/22 Thanksgiving Break - No Class 11 11/27 Ethical and social issues in AI; Team Project Presentations Delegation of important decisions to computers; augmentation and replacement of human capabilities; "singularity" Ethics of AI @ AAAI Applications of AI @ AAAI Ethics of AI @ Wikipedia A3 Competitions Project Presentations Feedback and Evaluation forms Project Presentations Project Presentations 11/29 Future of AI; Team Project Presentations Recent developments and trends in AI; e.g. autonomous robots, consciousness, singularity, Science Fiction and AI Science Fiction and AI @ AAAI Future of AI @ AAAI Project Presentations Feedback and Evaluation forms Project Presentations