CPE/CSC 480-F10 Artificial Intelligence Lab Exercise 8: Agents and Reasoning
For this lab exercise, you need to explore the use of logic to describe essential aspects of different types of agents and their life in the Wumpus World environment. It is up to you what type of logic you use (e.g. propositional logic, first-order predicate logic), but please indicate this in your write-up. If you refer to specific situations in the Wumpus Workd, either use the same configuration as in the (Lab 7 task description), or describe the one you use.

Your task is to answer questions concerning knowledge representation and reasoning capabilities of agents, such as:
  • Knowledge Representation: What does the agent know about the world? How is this knowledge represented in the agent? Where does the knowledge come from (e.g. from percepts, or from the developer)?
  • Reasoning: What kinds of conclusions can the agent draw about its task of finding the gold? Are there general, abstract methods the agent can use, or does it have to rely on methods that are very specific to its particular situation (e.g. one configuration of the wumpus world, or one combination of percepts)?
  • Expected Performance: How well do you think this type agent will perform? Will it fail miserably, find the gold by chance, systematically search for it, use reasoning to determine the safety of locations, or possibly learn from past experiences? What are some fundamental limitations for this type of agent?
These questions will be asked for two types of agents.
Administrative Aspects
Assignment Submission
This assignment must be submitted electronically via a Web form.
This exercise is an individual assignment. You can just use the environment as provided and explore it, or you can do it as a game where one person sets up a configuration for the other to solve. If you do it as a game, each participant will have to submit a trace of their exploration.
Questions about the Assignment
If you have general questions or comments concerning exercise, post them on the Blackboard Discussion Forum for the assignment. The grader and I will check that forum on a regular basis, and try to answer your questions. If you know the answer to a support or clarification question posted by somebody else, feel free to answer it; this will count as extra participation credit.