CSC 307 Milestone 2

CSC 307 Milestone 2

Revised 6 Oct

Due: 11:59PM Wednesday 7 October; completed milestone files checked into project and released

Activities and Tasks

This milestone is a first rough draft of Section 2 of the requirements. The specific tasks are the following:

  1. Produce an initial rough draft table of contents for Section 2, along the lines of the Milestone 2 Calendar Tool example. This needs to be worked on by the team as a whole.

  2. Produce a rough draft top-level user interface(s) for your tool, with command menubar/toolbar(s) and initial window(s). This also is done by the team as a whole.

  3. Once a draft table of contents is done, each team member does two rough-draft scenarios, that show major aspects of system operation. Each scenario must have at least one interface picture, and some accompanying narrative. For Milestone 2 only, the interface pictures can be on paper, with the text part of the document in html files. If pictures are on paper, they must be clearly labeled with a figure number that is referred to in the html text.

  4. Update administration/work-breakdown.html with the work assignments for Section 2 of the requirements. Specifically, list the .html file assigned to each team member. If two or more team members work on the same file, indicate the percentage of work performed by each member.


Section 2 of the document defines functional requirements in a user-oriented form. The requirements are described in scenarios of typical use, that show how the system will appear to end users when it is ultimately operational. The scenarios show snapshots of users screens, with accompanying explanatory text. For Milestone 2, you will produce an initial very rough draft of these scenarios and they will be refined throughout the quarter. When your work is finished at the end of the quarter, the scenarios will present a complete definition of all functional requirements for the proposed system.

During lecture in the second and third weeks of class, we will go over the content of the Milestone 2 example. We will also discuss details of the structure of the electronic version of the requirements specification document. In lecture and lab of the second and third weeks, we will review the organization and structure of the project directory where the requirements specification document resides.

For example viewing purposes during class, you may choose from the following alternatives:

Summary of Deliverables


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