4. Developer Overview

Here is fodder from Bigger Burger era 440 final report overview handout.

The Biggie Burger system is composed of two subsystems: customer food ordering and inventory management. The customer ordering subsystem communicates with the food-ordering customers seated at the table. This subsystem handles customer requests, and sends the food order to the kitchen when ordering is completed. The inventory control subsystem handles manager updates to the restaurant databases.

The major operation of the customer ordering subsystem is OrderFood. It takes a restaurant menu and customer selections as input, and produces a customer order. The order is accumulated incrementally, by suboperations OrderBurgers, OrderSides, and OrderDrinks.

The major objects handled by OrderFood are the FoodMenu, CustomerOrder, CustomerReceipt and CookOrder. The FoodMenu and Customer order are displayed on the ordering screen. The CustomerReceipt is produced on paper when the customer indicates that the ordering is done. The CookOrder is sent electronically to the kitchen where it is displayed on the cook's screen. The cook order is also sent electronically to the inventory control system, wherein the inventory database is automatically debited to reflect the ordered items.

The principal ordering constraint is that the customer-selected food item is currently available (i.e, there is stock on hand to make up the food item). The Menu will be updated as necessary during normal business to reflect immediate changes in inventory. E.g., if all chili has been consumed, then the Chili Burger item will be deleted form the menu, where deletion is specified by marking the item as ``temporarily out of stock'' on the menu.

The inventory control subsystem has three major objects and corresponding operations: the FoodMenu, the FoodStuffsInventory, and the FoodItemBreakdownList. The FoodMenu is the top-level menu seen by the customer from which order selections are made. It is composed of sections for Burgers, Side Orders, and Drinks. Manager-level Operations are provided to add, delete, and modify menu sections.

FoodStuffsInventory is the inventory of raw food items, such as burger patties, buns etc. This inventory contains a description of all stock on hand. Operations are provided to add, delete, and modify inventory items. Inventory report generation operations are also provided. These operations can produce daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly inventory reports.

The FoodItemsBreakdownList contains the complete breakdown for each food item on the menu. Each breakdown describes exactly what raw food stuffs are need to prepare a menu item. Operations are provided to add, delete, and modify food item breakdowns.

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