CSC 309 Project Work Breakdown

Spec Section Level Team Member Remarks
2.X.Y P5 1.5 Person X This is medium priority for Fisher.                     
           . . .  
    Person Y  
           . . .  
    Person Z  
           . . .  

The following are instructions for using this template; delete the instructions after installation of the file.

  1. If there is an existing administration/work- breakdown.html from CSC 308, move it to administration/work-breakdown-specs.html.

  2. Store a copy of this file in the administration project directory, under the name work-breakdown.html.

  3. Put one table row for each (sub...)section from Section 2 of the requirements spec document. If this is not fine grain enough, add rows for individual paragraphs in a requirements section.

  4. In the Spec Section field, put the number of the section from the requirements specification document, with a paragraph number if necessary. The section/paragraph number should link to the actual section in the requirements specification document.

    Important Note: The spec section link should refer to the requirements specification document as stored in .

    If your team is working from more than one spec, use the section numbering as defined in the referred-to documents. The link will disambiguate the document being referred to.

  5. In the Level field, define the level of completion for the (sub...)section/paragraph, per the levels defined the Milestone 1 write up. Theses levels will be refined in our initial project meetings during the first two weeks of class.

  6. In the Team Member field, assign a project team member for the (sub...)section/paragraph.

  7. In the Remarks field, add any necessary explanatory remarks.