Read the requirements specification documents for your selected project and
determine how much of the project is feasible to complete in one quarter. The
CSC 308 project links are at
Here are things to look for as you review the specs:
important system features that seem to be missing from (any version of) the
features that are not specified clearly, completely, and/or consistently
features that could have been specified "better"
how consistently to merge the features from two or more specs under
objects and/or operations that are not consistently defined in the scenarios
versus the abstract Java model
organization of the Java model objects and/or operations that is awkward from a
design perspective (even though it may be OK from an end-user perspective)
Since there are a lot of specs to read, you can divide the reading among team
members according to team member interests and expertise. In particular, it
makes sense for team members to read those sections of the specs that cover
functionality that they worked on in the Fall. This of course does not apply
to team members who are working on a 309 project that is different than what
they worked on in 308.