CSC 309 Lecture Notes Week 3
More on Model/View Design
Design for Independent and Incremental Testing
Refining a Derived Model Design Using the Java Library

  1. Details of the mvp.View and mvp.View abstract classes.

    1. As discussed in Lecture Notes 3, model classes that trace to objects in the abstract specification inherit from the Model abstract class.

    2. Similarly, view classes that trace to elements of the concrete end-user interface inherit from the View abstract class.

    3. The Java definitions of the Model and View classes follow.

      1. The comments in those classes provide details and rationale for the class designs.

      2. The method comments have preconditions and postconditions, details of which are in week 5 notes.

      3. As noted in Week 3 lecture discussions, you are most welcome to, but not required to use mvp classes in your 309 design.

      4. The code itself is in 309/lib/source/java/mvp.

      5. The linkable jar file is in 309/lib/csc309libs.jar

    4. mvp.Model
      package mvp;
      import java.util.*;
       * Class Model is an abstract parent class for model classes in an MVP design.
       * See <a href = "">
       * Fisher SE lecture notes </a> for further discussion of the MVP design
       * methodology.
       * @author Gene Fisher (
       * @version cvs 1.12, 2005/02/02
      public abstract class Model extends Observable implements Serializable {
           * Construct a model with the given View.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: this'.view = view;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public Model(View view) {
              this.view = view;
           * Construct a model with no view.  This constructor is typically used for
           * submodel objects that have no individual view of their own, but have a
           * subview that is part of a larger parent's view.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: this'.view = null;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public Model() {
              view = null;
           * Set the view of this to the given view, if the view is not already set.
           * This setView method is used if this must be constructed before its
           * companion view is constructed, and therefore the view will not be
           * available to pass to the constructor.
           *                                                                      <p>
           * Models with multiple and/or dynamically changeable views must manage
           * view changes with additional data members.  This' canonical view can be
           * set only once, with either the constructor or one call to setView.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: this.view == null;
           * post: this'.view == view;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void setView(View v) {
              if (this.view == null)
                  this.view = v;
           * Return the view of this.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == view;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public View getView() {
              return view;
           * Perform appropriate exit processing, which typically includes exiting
           * the application program of which this model is a component.  This method
           * is called from a companion view when the view's window is closed, and
           * such closing means that the application should exit.  See <a href=
           * View.html#setExitOnClose(boolean)> <tt>View.setExitOnClose</tt> </a> for
           * more information.
           *                                                                   <pre>
           * post: ;   // must be specialized in subclasses
           *                                                                  </pre>
          public void exit() {}
           * Dump the entire contents of this in String form.  This method is
           * intended to be called during testing to produce an inspectable and
           * difference version of this model's data.  This dump method is distinct
           * from the Object.toString method in Java, since toString may be used for
           * other purposes than producing a complete data dump.
           *                                                                   <pre>
           * post: ;   // must be specialized in subclasses
           *                                                                  </pre>
          public String dump() { return null; }
          /** The canonical view for this model.  Models with multiple views can add
           *  additional view data members as necessary.
          protected View view;

    5. mvp.View
      package mvp;
      import java.awt.*;
      import java.awt.event.*;
      import java.util.*;
       * Class View is an abstract parent class for view classes in an MVP design.
       * See <a href = "">
       * Fisher SE lecture notes </a> for further discussion of the MVP design
       * methodology.
       *                                                                          <p>
       * View implements Observer since it is often convenient for a view to observe
       * its companion model, particularly when a model has multiple views that all
       * need to change simultaneously when the model changes.  View implements
       * Serializable as a convenience for serializing models that refer to views.
       * Typically, view data are not themselves worthy of serialization, but when a
       * model refers to a view, that view needs to be Serializable in principle in
       * order for serialization to proceed without problems.
       * @author Gene Fisher (
       * @version cvs 1.15, 2005/02/02
      public abstract class View implements Observer, Serializable {
           * Construct a view with the given Screen and Model.  Initialize other data
           * members to null or false, as appropriate.  The given screen is that in
           * which the view will insert itself to be physically displayed.  The model
           * is the companion model in an MVP design.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: screen != null;
           * post: (this'.screen == screen) && (this'.model == model) &&
           *       (window' == null) && (shown' == false) &&
           *       (editable' == false) && (closeAdapter == false);
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public View(Screen screen, Model model) {
              this.screen = screen;
              this.model = model;
              shown = false;
              editable = false;
           * Construct this with a null screen and model.  Initialize other data
           * members to null or false, as appropriate.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: (this'.screen == null) && (this'.model == null) &&
           *       (window' == null) && (shown' == false) &&
           *       (editable' == false) && (closeAdapter == false);
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public View() {
              shown = false;
              editable = false;
           * Run this by entering the screen's event loop, which will in turn display
           * the window of this and any widgets within the window.  In a
           * non-modal GUI, only the topmost view will be run.  In a modal GUI, run
           * is specialized in View subclasses to contain a modal event loop that
           * locks out events from other view components until the event loop has
           * been completed, e.g., by the user selecting 'OK' or 'Cancel'.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: ! screen.isRunning();
           * post: screen'.isRunning() &&
           *       forall (Component c | c in screen.getComponents())
           *           c.isDisplayed();
           *                                                                   </pre>
           * where <tt>isRunning</tt> is an assumed predicate of <tt>Screen</tt> that
           * returns true if the Screen's event-handling loop is running.
          public void run() {
              // A noop in Java
           * Compose the interface components of this, setting the window and/or
           * widget fields to the top-level of the composition.  Note that compose
           * does not physically display this, it only constructs its components so
           * it may subsequently be displayed with the run and show methods.  As a
           * convenience to callers, compose returns the widget field of this, since
           * it is frequently accessed after composition.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == widget;  // Compose must be specialized in subclasses.
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public Component compose() { return widget; }
           * Insert the window of this into the screen, thereby physically displaying
           * it.  Upon insertion, the window will be the frontmost of all other
           * screen windows.  If this is already displayed, Show has the effect of
           * moving its window to the front of all other windows.
           *                                                                      <p>
           * To move the window to some position other than the front, extract the
           * window with this.getWindow and manipulate it with methods available in
           * the Window class.
           *                                                                      <p>
           * The screen position of the window will be selected by the underlying
           * window manager.  To show the window of this at a specific screen
           * position, use the overloaded version of Show specified below.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: ;
           * post: if (window != null)
           *       then screen'.isDisplayed(window) &&
           *            screen'.IsFrontmost(window) &&
           *            shown' == true;
           *       else System.out.println("error");
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void show() {
              if (window == null) {
                  System.out.print("The window data member of this view:\n    ");
                  System.out.println("\nis null.");
              else {
                  shown = true;
           * Same specs as Show(), except the window is shown at the given x,y
           * coordinate.  The x,y coordinate system is in units of screen pixels,
           * with the 0,0 origin in the lower left corner of the screen.  The given
           * x,y coordinates refer to the lower left corder of the window.
          public void show(int x, int y) {
              window.setLocation(new Point(x, y));
           * Remove the window of this from the screen, thereby physically
           * undisplaying it.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: ; // Note that the window may or may not be currently displayed
           * post: ! screen'.isDisplayed(window) &&
           *       (shown' == false);
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void hide() {
              shown = false;
           * Update the displayed data in this.  The processing involved in this
           * update is strictly view specific.  Generally, the view will call one or
           * more methods in the companion model to obtain the necessary data to
           * perform the update.
           *                                                                      <p>
           * Views that do not change in response to changes in model data typically
           * do not implement update.  For example, a dialog that is used strictly
           * for user input does not need to implement update.  In contrast, a view
           * that displays changing model data does indeed need to implement update.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: ;   // Update must be specialized in subclasses.
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {}
           * Return the model of this.
           * post: return == model;
          public Model getModel() {
              return model;
           * Set the model of this to the given model, if the model is not already
           * set.  This setModel method is used if this must be constructed before
           * its companion model is constructed, and therefore the model will not be
           * available to pass to the constructor.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: this.model == null;
           * post: this.model' == model;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void setModel(Model model) {
              if (this.model == null);
                  this.model = model;
           * Return the window of this.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == window;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public Window getWindow() {
              return window;
           * Return the widget of this.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == widget;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public Component getWidget() {
              return widget;
           * Return true if this is currently displayed on the screen.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == shown;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public boolean isShown() {
              return shown;
           * Return true if this is currently editable.  The editability of a view
           * dictates whether the user is allowed to enter values in the view's
           * components that are normally editable, e.g., string or text editors.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: return == editable;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public boolean isEditable() {
              return editable;
           * Set the editability of this to the given boolean value.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * post: this'.editable == editable;
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
              this.editable = editable;
           * Perform the necessary set up to call or not to call the companion
           * model's <tt>exit</tt> method when the user closes this' window.  When
           * <tt>exitOnClose</tt> is true, <tt>model.exit</tt> is called upon window
           * close; when <tt>exitOnClose</tt> is false, <tt>model.exit</tt> is not
           * called.  From the user's perspective, the close is performed using a
           * command provided by the underlying window manager, e.g., a window close
           * button.
           *                                                                    <pre>
           * pre: (window != null)
           * post: if (exitOnClose == true)
           *       then (exists (WindowAdapter wa)
           *               (wa in window.getListeners(WindowAdapter.class)) &&
           *               (wa.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
           *                 "windowClosing", {WindowEvent.class})).invokes(
           *                   model.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("exit", null)) &&
           *               (closeAdapter' == wa))
           *       else !(exists (WindowAdapter wa)
           *               (wa in window.getListeners(WindowAdapter.class)) &&
           *               (wa.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
           *                 "windowClosing", {WindowEvent.class})).invokes(
           *                   model.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("exit", null))) &&
           *               (closeAdapter' == null)
           *                                                                   </pre>
          public void setExitOnClose(boolean exitOnClose) {
               * Outta here if window is null.
              if (window == null)
               * If the exitOnClose input argument is true, add a listen-for-close
               * window adapter to this' window, if one hasn't already been added.
               * If false, remove the listener if it's there.
              if (exitOnClose && (closeAdapter == null)) {
                  window.addWindowListener(closeAdapter = new WindowAdapter() {
                      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              if (!exitOnClose && (closeAdapter != null)) {
                  closeAdapter = null;
          /** The unique companion model for this */
          protected Model model;
          /** The physical display screen for this.  Only views that have a non-null
           * Window (see below) need a value for the Screen.  Otherwise, the value of
           * the Screen member is null. */
          protected Screen screen;
          /** The physical UI window for this.  The Window is the stand-alone
           * top-level window for the view, displayed on the screen by the underlying
           * window manager.  For views that do not have a managed window, e.g.,
           * pulldown menu or dialog contained in another view, the Window member is
           * null.
          protected Window window;
          /** The outermost interactive element (i.e., "widget") for this.  In some
           * toolkits, Window and Widget are the same type.  In such cases, if a view
           * has an non-null Window, then it does not need a value for Widget.  In
           * toolkits such as Java Swing, where Window and Widget are distinct types,
           * a view may need both a value for the Window and Widget.
          protected Component widget;
          /** True if the window is displayed */
          protected boolean shown;
          /** True if this is editable */
          protected boolean editable;
          /** The exit-on-close listener */
          protected WindowAdapter closeAdapter;

  2. Some illustrative method-call backtraces, for the kind of designs discussed in Notes Week 3.

    1. To illustrate how methods are invoked in an event-based design, there are a number of method backtraces shown below.

      1. A backtrace shows the order in which methods are called when a particular action is performed.

      2. The backtraces shown below were generated using the jdb debugger; similar backtraces are produced by IDEs, such as NetBeans and Eclipse.

    2. The following backtrace illustrates set up of the File menu, in particular how the method that adds the New item to the File menu is called.
      [1] caltool.file_ui.FileMenu.addNewItem (
      [2] caltool.file_ui.FileMenu.compose (
      [3] caltool.file_ui.FileUI.compose (
      [4] caltool.caltool_ui.CalendarToolUI.composeMenuBar (
      [5] caltool.caltool_ui.CalendarToolUI.compose (
      [6] caltool.CalendarTool.main (

    3. The following backtraces illustrates set up of an event listener, in particular the listener associated with the OK button in the SCheduleEventDialog.
      [1] caltool.schedule_ui.OKScheduleEventButtonListener.<init> (
      [2] caltool.schedule_ui.ScheduleEventDialog.composeButtonRow (
      [3] caltool.schedule_ui.ScheduleEventDialog.compose (
      [4] caltool.schedule_ui.ScheduleUI.compose (
      [5] caltool.caltool_ui.CalendarToolUI.composeMenuBar (
      [6] caltool.caltool_ui.CalendarToolUI.compose (
      [7] caltool.CalendarTool.main (

    4. The following backtrace illustrates the event-based invocation of a method associated with a menu item, specifically the File.fileNew method.
      [1] caltool.file.File.fileNew (
      [2] caltool.file_ui.FileMenu$1.actionPerformed (
      [3] javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed (,819)
      [4] javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed (,872)
      [5] javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed (
      [6] javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed (
      [7] javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick (
      [8] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick (,113)
      [9] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased (
      [10] java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent (,166)
      [11] java.awt.Component.processEvent (,963)
      [12] java.awt.Container.processEvent (,613)
      [13] java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl (,681)
      [14] java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl (,671)
      [15] java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent (,543)
      [16] java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent (,527)
      [17] java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent (,242)
      [18] java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent (,172)
      [19] java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl (,657)
      [20] java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl (,606)
      [21] java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent (,543)
      [22] java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent (
      [23] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy (
      [24] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy (
      [25] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents (
      [26] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents (
      [27] (

    5. The following backtrace illustrates the event-based invocation of a method associated with a dialog button, in particular the Schedule.scheduleEvent method invoked from the OK button in the ScheduleEventDialog.
      [1] caltool.schedule.Schedule.scheduleEvent (
      [2] caltool.schedule_ui.OKScheduleEventButtonListener.actionPerformed
      [3] javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed (,819)
      . . .
      [25] (

    6. Finally, this backtrace illustrates the invocation of a model method from the update method of a view, in particular the caltool.View.Lists.viewAppointmentsList method being invoked from the ViewUI.AppintmentsListDisplay.update method.

      1. In this case, update is called explicitly from the action listener associated with the `View->Lists->Appointments' menu item.

      2. In upcoming examples of the observer/observable pattern, we'll see update called from the Java runtime, after a model or view class calls the Observable.notifyObservers method.

      [1] caltool.view.Lists.viewAppointmentsList (
      [2] caltool.view_ui.AppointmentsListDisplay.update (
      [3] caltool.view_ui.ViewMenu$11.actionPerformed (
      [4] javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed (,819)
      . . .
      [28] (

  3. "Canned" model data for initial testing.

    1. For initial testing of a model/view design, it is very useful to have sample model data, that are displayed in corresponding views.

      1. In the beginning, these data can be entirely "canned", i.e., defined as constants in the model classes.

      2. A good place to get concrete example data values is from the requirements.

    2. The model data can be delivered to the view using the same methods that will ultimately produce the real data.

      1. For example, if an iterator method is used to access model data, the body of the method can produce the canned data.

      2. If collection-valued data are returned by the model, canned data can be generated by temporary testing methods

    3. Examples of the preceding two forms of canned data generation are illustrated in the Calendar Tool code from the Week 3 notes.

      1. The iterator methods in the MonthlyAgenda model class deliver a fixed month of data to the MonthlyAgendaDisplay view class.

      2. In the Lists model class, there is a generateSampleList() method that generates a sample data value that appears in the requirements; this piece of data is returned by Lists.viewAppointmentList() to the AppointmentsListDisplay view class.

  4. Designing for independently testable packages.

    1. Team developers should design their individual packages and classes to be testable independently from other team members' packages.

    2. Providing "canned" test data is one aspect of independently testable designs.

      1. Such test data are used when data-producing packages are not yet implemented by other team members.

      2. These data can also be very handy when an implemented package unexpectedly breaks, leaving users of the package stuck until the broken package is fixed.

    3. In a Java-based implementation, having individualized main methods supports independent testing.

      1. For convenience, these mains can be in model classes.

      2. During the initial phases of development, it's fine to have some testing done directly in the model classes.

        1. These initial tests are designed to check that an implementation is going in the right direction.

        2. The initial tests will evolve into the formal tests that are in the testing project directory.

    4. A testing main method in a model class does the following steps:

      1. Construct model class(es) to be tested.

      2. Construct and compose companion view(s).

      3. Construct canned test data.

      4. Show the top-level view(s).

    5. Independently-testable designs allow incremental development, meaning the implementation can be tested in successively refined increments, each with more strenuous and less canned test data.

  5. Java Library packages for model and process data.

    1. The key packages we'll cover in these notes are:

      1. java.lang -- the fundamental Java language package, with classes such as Object, String, and System.

      2. java.util -- the higher-level Java language package, including the collection classes, date/time classes, and others.

      3. -- file input/output and related processing.

    2. The functionality provided in these packages is central to the work you're doing in 309.

    3. The classes and interfaces in these packages are summarized in the UML diagrams that follow.

    4. Package java.lang

    5. Package java.util

    6. Package

  6. View data collection and validation.

    1. When the user enters data in a GUI, a View class collects it in raw form.

    2. For example, the getText method extracts the string data from a JTextField.

    3. Once raw data are collected they are:

      1. Converted by the model, from their raw view form into whatever form the model needs, e.g., a string-to-numeric conversion.

      2. Validated by the model, based on preconditions to a model processing method.

      3. Processed by the model as appropriate.

  7. Using exception handling in a model/design, to perform data validation.

    1. There are a number of ways to perform input data validation in a model/view design.

    2. In general, most if not all of the validation should be done by the model.

      1. In jargon terms, we have a "smart model and stupid view".

      2. What this means is that the view does not know anything "smart" about the data, in terms of its structure, or whether it's semantically valid.

      3. The view is in charge of displaying data in the UI, and managing the event-based interactions with the user.

      4. The model is in charge of storing the data, and managing all of the content-based access and manipulation of the data, including validation.

    3. In a design that includes formally-specified of methods, a useful way to handle data validation is with exception handling

    4. This style of design is discussed in the next several points of the notes.

  8. Quick review of exception handling concepts.

    1. Normally, when a method is entered via a call, it exits by returning to the caller.

    2. In a language with an exception handling mechanism, there is an "abnormal" way for a method to exit -- by throwing (a.k.a., raising) an exception.

      1. Raising an exception allows a method to exit in a manner separate from its normal return-to-caller mode.

      2. When an exception is thrown in a method, control does not return directly to the caller, but rather some other active method that catches (a.k.a., handles) the exception.

      3. The catch can be in the immediate caller, but it is not limited to be.

      4. The catch does have to be performed by a currently active method; i.e., a method that directly or indirectly called the method in which the exception occurred.

    3. Different programming languages provide different styles of exception handling, and details differ widely between languages.

      1. At the design level, we use an abstract graphical notation to depict exception handling.

      2. At the implementation, we will use standard Java notation for exception handling.

  9. Design diagram notation for exception handling.

    1. In our high-level function diagram notation, exception handling is shown with labeled arrows leading into and out from a method.

    2. Figure 1 is an excerpt from the 309 handout on the graphical modeling notation which illustrates the exception diagramming format.

      Figure 1: Event diagramming notation.

      1. In the Figure, MethodX calls three submethods X1, X2, and X3.

      2. MethodX2 and MethodX2 return in the normal way.

      3. MethodX1 can return in the normal way, but also throw an exception that is caught by MethodX.

    3. This notation is used in the example diagrams that follow.

  10. An example of data collection, exception handling, and related Model-View communication.

    1. Figure 2 illustrates the use of exception handling to validate user input data, in a Calendar Tool ScheduleEvent dialog.

      Figure 2: User input data collection and validation for scheduling an event.

    2. The figure shows the model method Schedule.scheduleEvent throwing an ScheduleEventPrecondViolation exception to the companion view method OKScheduleEventButtonListener.actionPerformed.

    3. The exception is thrown when one or more input errors is detected, based on the processing done the the scheduleEvent method.

    4. What follows is the code for OKScheduleEventButtonListener.actionPerformed() and friends, corresponding to the design shown in Figure 2.

        public class OKScheduleEventButtonListener implements ActionListener {
             * Construct this with the given Schedule model and parent dialog view.
             * Access to the model is for calling its scheduleEvent method.  Access to
             * the parent view is for gathering data to be sent to scheduleEvent.
            public OKScheduleEventButtonListener(Schedule schedule,
                    ScheduleEventDialog dialog) {
                this.schedule = schedule;
                this.dialog = dialog;
             * Respond to a press of the OK button by calling ScheduleEvent with a new
             * Event.  The Event data are gathered from the JTextFields and JComboBox
             * in the parent dialog.
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                try {
                        new caltool.schedule.Event(
                            dialog.getTitle(),          // Title as a string
                            dialog.getStartDate(),      // Start date as a Date
                            dialog.getEndDate(),        // Start date as a Date
                            dialog.getCategory(),       // Category as a Category
                            dialog.getLocation()        // Location as a string
                catch (ScheduleEventPrecondViolation errors) {
            /** The companion model */
            protected Schedule schedule;
            /** The parent view */
            protected ScheduleEventDialog dialog;

    5. Here is the code for companion model method that potentially throws the exception.
        public class Schedule extends Model {
             * ScheduleEvent adds the given Event to, if an event of the same
             * time, duration, and title is not already scheduled.
             *                                                                     <pre>
                // The Title field is not empty.
                (event.title != null && event.title.length() >= 1)
                // The startOrDueDate field is a valid date value.
                (event.startOrDueDate != null) && event.startOrDueDate.isValid()
                // If non-empty, the EndDate field is a valid date value.
                if (event.endDate != null) event.endDate.isValid()
                // The current workspace is not null.
                (calDB.getCurrentCalendar() != null)
                // No event of same startDate and title is in the current workspace
                // calendar.
                // No event of same startDate and title is in the current calendar.
                ! exists (ScheduledItem item ;
                    calDB.getCurrentCalendar().items.contains(item) ;
                        (item.startOrDueDate.equals(event.startOrDueDate)) &&
                        item.duration.equals(event.duration) &&
                // If preconds met, a scheduled item is in the output calendar if
                // and only if it is the new appt to be added or it is in the
                // input calendar.
                forall (ScheduledItem item;
                    calDB'.getCurrentCalendar().items.contains(item) iff
                        (item == event ||
                // Also, requiresSaving is true in the output calendar.
            public void scheduleEvent(Event event)
                    throws ScheduleEventPrecondViolation {
                 * Clear out the error fields in precond violation exception object.
                 * Throw a precond violation if the validly check fails on the start or
                 * end date.
                if (validateInputs(event).anyErrors()) {
                    throw scheduleEventPrecondViolation;
                 * Throw a precond violation if an event of the same start date and
                 * title is already scheduled.
                if (alreadyScheduled(event)) {
                    throw scheduleEventPrecondViolation;
                 * Throw a precond violation if there is no currently active calendar.
                 * Note that this condition will not be violated when interacting
                 * through the view, since the 'Schedule Event' menu item is disabled
                 * whenever the there is no active calendar.
                if (calDB.getCurrentCalendar() == null) {
                    throw scheduleEventPrecondViolation;
                 * If preconditions are met, add the given event to the currently
                 * active calendar.

    6. Here is the code for the ScheduleEventPrecondViolation:
        package caltool.schedule;
        import caltool.PrecondViolation;
        import java.util.*;
         * Class ScheduleEventPrecondViolation defines and exception containing error
         * conditions for the Schedule.scheduleEvent method.  It contains a list of
         * the specific error messages that may be output in response to a precondition
         * having been violated by a call th scheduleEvent.
        public class ScheduleEventPrecondViolation extends Exception
                implements PrecondViolation {
             * Construct this by initializing the error message list to an empty list,
             * initializing the numErrors count to 0, and initializing local copies of
             * the error message text for each of the possible errors from
             * Schedule.scheduleEvent.
            public ScheduleEventPrecondViolation() {
                errors = new ArrayList();
                emptyTitleMessage = new String(
                   "Event title cannot be empty.");
                invalidStartDateMessage = new String(
                    "Invalid start date.");
                invalidEndDateMessage = new String(
                    "Invalid end date.");
                noActiveCalendarMessage = new String(
                    "There is no active calendar in the Calendar Tool workspace.");
                alreadyScheduledMessage = new String(
                   "An event of the given start date and title is already scheduled.");
                numErrors = 0;
             * Implemented interface methods.
             * Return the error list.
            public String[] getErrors() {
                return (String[]) errors.toArray(new String[1]);
             * Clear all error messages.
            public void clear() {
                errors = new ArrayList();
                numErrors = 0;
             * Return true if any errors have been set.
            public boolean anyErrors() {
                return (numErrors > 0);
             * Return the number of errors.
            public int numberOfErrors() {
                return numErrors;
             * Error-setting methods
             * Set the already scheduled error message.
            public void setAlreadyScheduledError() {
             * Set the invalid start date error message.
            public void setInvalidStartDateError() {
             * Set the invalid end date error message.
            public void setInvalidEndDateError() {
             * Set the no active calendar error message.
            public void setNoActiveCalendarError() {
             * Data fields
            /** List of current error messages */
            protected ArrayList errors;
            /** Error message count */
            protected int numErrors;
            /** Error message for event of same date,title already scheduled */
            protected String alreadyScheduledMessage;
            /** Error message for invalid start date */
            protected String invalidStartDateMessage;
            /** Error message for invalid end date */
            protected String invalidEndDateMessage;
            /** Error message for no currently active calendar in the workspace */
            protected String noActiveCalendarMessage;

    7. Finally, here is the code for the general interface that all precondition violation exceptions must implement:

        package caltool;
         * Interface PrecondViolation defines the methods that all precondition
         * violation exceptions must implement.
        public interface PrecondViolation {
             * Return the concrete error list for precondition violation.  Each
             * position in the list corresponds to violation of a particular
             * precondition clause.
            public String[] getErrors();
             * Clear out all of the error messages in this.
            public void clear();
             * Return true if one or more error messages has been set.
            public boolean anyErrors();
             * Return the number of error messages.
            public int numberOfErrors();

  11. A note on model-view communication via direct data reference versus dynamic method computation.

    1. Consider the Calendar Tool view for an individual scheduled item versus a monthly view of items.

      1. In the case of a single item view, the display shows data that are persistently stored within the model data.

      2. In the case of a monthly view, some of the data are persistently stored, but the other parts of the data, in particular the month/day layout, are dynamically computed.

    2. These are examples of a data persistence design pattern we'll discuss further in upcoming lectures.