1.5.5. Mimosa Scheduling Software
Advertised as “the world’s most versatile scheduling software”, Mimosa is a good software for generating schedules, however it was not designed solely for university scheduling. As a result Mimosa has much more generic naming conventions that cause its features to be more difficult to utilize, as well as lacks as many university specific features as would be desired.
Good Features:
- manual and automatic schedule generation
- preemptive conflict checking
- ability to go back and make changes after generating a schedule, as well as undo and redo changes
- ability to copy information from other applications
- display/colors configurable to user preference
- schedules can be printed, published, or exported
Bad Features:
- due to flexibility of the scheduler, the software’s features are named more generically and non-specific to university scheduling terms, which leads to more difficulty operating
- maximum of 7 different categories for resources (instructors, courses, rooms, lectures, equipment, students, etc.)
- difficult to download on a Mac
Missing Features:
- schedule rater
- instructors’ preference features
- user specified constraints of class patterns (MW, MWF, TR, ...)
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