1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Scheduler Tool project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:

  • end users
       a. Department scheduler/administration
       b. Instructors
       c. Students
  • customers
  • system developers
  • domain experts

  • End users are those individuals who use the Scheduler tool for its intended purpose: generating course schedules. Department administration and schedulers interact with the tool’s primary interface by generating schedules and making minor modifications to constraints and preferences as necessary. Instructors are registered users with the ability to set individual course and time preferences. Students are registered users with the ability to set individual course preferences.

    Gene Fisher is the primary customer. He acts as customer representative for the Computer Science department at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, integrating the requirements of the entire department into formal specifications.

    Software engineering students are the primary system developers, specifically: Joel Dentici, Deniz Tumer, Chase Dreszer, Riley McGovern, Aaron Koeppel, and Sean Bayley.

    Domain experts are those individuals who have extensive knowledge in the specific field. In this case, Gene Fisher is the domain expert.

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