2.6.1. Set Global Schedule Constraints

Here is where an admin can adjust global constraints when create a schedule. The admin can:

All of those settings can be seen in Figure AG-1 below.

Figure AG-1: Main admin global screen.

Setting which days are allowed to be scheduled on can be set via checking and unchecking the boxes in Figure AG-1.

The earliest time that classes can start is set via the dropdown menu in Figure AG-1.

The lastest time that classes can end is set via the dropdown menu in Figure AG-1.

The maximum distance between two classes (lecture and lab) can be specified in the text box in Figure AG-1.

Legal day patterns can be added and removed via the selectable list and buttons at the bottom of Figure AG-1. Manage Blackout Times

The scheduler admin can add and delete department wide blackout times for events such as meetings. An example of this can be seen in Figure AG-2. Add Blackout Time

The user can change the start and end times of the blackout time through the dropdown lists and specify which days of the week to enable the blackout time. The user will then click the 'Add Blackout Time' button to confirm and add the blackout time as seen in Figure AG-1. View/Delete Blackout Times

The user can view the list of blackout times by clicking the 'View/Delete Blackout Time' button in Figure AG-1. The user may select a time from the side bar and click the '-' button in Figure AG-2 to delete the selected time.

Figure AG-2: View/Delete blackout time dialog.

The user can then confirm the deletion of the selected blackout time. Blackout times can also be added from this menu by pressing the '+' button in Figure AG-2.

Figure AG-3: Confirm delete blackout time dialog.

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