2.6.2. Manage Admin Users

If the user is not the only schedule administrator, they can add and edit/delete other admin users. The user clicks the 'Admin Management' submenu button to access the screen seen in Figure AM-1.

Figure AM-1: Main Admin manage screen. Add Admin Users

The user can add admin users by clicking on the '+' button in Figure AM-2. The user will enter all required information and click the 'Add Admin' button in Figure AM-2 to add the new admin to the database.

Figure AM-2: Adding admin dialog. Edit/Delete Admin Users

The user can edit admins already in the database by clicking on the specific user on the sidebar as shown in Figure AM-3. The user can either change the information of the selected admin by clicking on the specific user or delete the selected admin.

Figure AM-3: Edit/Delete admin dialog.

The program will confirm to the user that the admin is being deleted.

Figure AM-4: Confirm delete admin dialog.

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