2.3.3. Schedule Conflict Resolution

Although the Scheduler application prevents overlapping of classes and instructors conflicts, it does not have the ability to always prevent against the conflict of a teacher not being assigned to a section or a section not being assigned to a specific room. This section describes how an administrator deals with STAFF instructors and TBA rooms.

STAFF sections occur when the maximum number of Work Time Units (WTU) have already been assigned to each instructor. Figure SCR-1 shows an example of a course with a STAFF instructor. To combat this problem an administrator edits the resources of the schedule to add more instructors or increases the maximum WTU of each instructor.

Figure SCR-1 : STAFF Section Conflict.

TBA rooms occur when there are no available rooms for a specified section. This may be due to either not enough listed rooms or not enough rooms that satisfy the technology requirement of the course section. To correct this problem an administrator adds more courses or changes the technology requirement of the current rooms to accommadate the sections that do not have a room assignment.

Figure SCR-2 : TBA Room Section Conflict.

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