2.3.3 Editing a Student's Information

This scenario shows a professor editing a student's information. To edit a student's information, a professor right clicks on the student's name. Upon right clicking, you can perform two student-specific actions: Delete Student.. and Edit Student...

In this case, the professor wants to edit Gerald Rodin's information, and selects Edit Student..

Figure 2.3.3a: Right Click with Edit Student.. selected

The professor clicks Edit Student... He is prompted with a pop up with the student's current information. It has editable text input boxes where it displays the current information saved for the student. This is the extent of a student's information that a professor can view and edit.

Figure 2.3.3b: Edit Student Information Pop Up

In this case, The professor edits Gerald's name to be Jerry, which is what the student asks to be called for. He does not change the EMPLID so that the software is still aware that Jerry and Gerald are the same student with the same corresponding attributes and grades.

Figure 2.3.3c: User edits Gerald Rovin's name to Jerry Rovin

The user clicks Save Changes. The gradebook then updates with the edited changes. Gerald's name is now changed to Jerry.

Figure 2.3.3d: Refreshed Gradebook after Editing Name

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