2.7.3 Basic Grade Prediction

The basic form of grade prediction calculates a final grade based on values entered by the user. When there are empty assignment grades, the Prediction button is disabled. The starting point can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Disabled Prediction Button

Once a user begins entering grades into the empty spots, the button becomes enabled. This is done like with the gradebook; by clicking on a spot and typing in a value, the user can set their predicted grades for assignments. If the user enters valid values, the table will become green and the Predict button will be enabled. The user can now click the button to calculate the final grade with their predicted values that were entered. Figure 2 shows a table with some valid student-entered data.

Figure 2: Entering Predicted Grades

Now the Predict button is enabled. The user can click the button to calculate the final grade. Calculated values are highlighted in the table. In this example, the spreadsheet with predicted final grade can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Final Grade Calculation

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