2.2.1 Importing Your First Gradebook

This scenario shows an instructor who just joined the application. The instructor does not have any gradebooks yet in the system, and upon opening, has the option to import a roster from PeopleSoft to get one started. Because of the username/password authentication, PeopleSoft already knows what terms they were active in instructing, and what courses they are instructing for each term. Instructors have the ability to import rosters for their courses by clocking on the Admin->Load Roster button in their tools bar. A pop up dialogue will appear when choosing Admin->Load Roster which prompts the user to select a Term. These are the school terms that are in the professor's record in which they were active in teaching in. The following figures below show a user selecting the drop down menu and choosing the Winter 2014 term.

Figure 1: Load a Roster Pop Up.

Figure 2: Instructor is shown selecting the Winter 2014 Term in the drop menu.

After the user selects a term, the pop up dialogue will fill in the courses that the user taught during that term.

Figure 3: The Course container gets auto filled upon a user selecting a term.

A user can select more than one term to import into a single gradebook. All the students in the selected course rosters would be treated and viewed as one data set.

Figure 4: A user is selecting multiple courses to be treated as one gradebook.

After clicking Load Roster, the PeopleSoft rosters the professor selected would appear in the gradebook tab that the professor is currently on with all the student's names and their information organized alphabetically. The gradebook's tab name would be set to the course name the professor imported, which can be changed later by clicking directly on the title. A user can import more rosters by clicking on the "+" tab, and following the same steps.

Figure 5: A newly imported roster shown with the student's information from PeopleSoft.

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