2.6.1. File Menu

The file menu alows a user to create, save, and load presentations to and from their system's file system. The native file is a text file with the ".prz" postfix that contains all of the information needed to save a single presentation.

Figure 1: File menu displayed form top menu.

The Open option opens a system specific file chooser for opening a file with the ".prz" extension. When a file is selected e-Class will attempt to open the presentation saved in the file replacing the current pressentation.

New will discard the current pressentation with an empty one.

Save and Save As will both open a system specific file chooser for defining a file to save to on first use. Using the Save option after either Save or Save As has been used will automaticly save to the last file defined by either. Save As will always display a system specific file chooser.

Quit will close the application discarding the pressentation.

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