1.5.5. Class Marker
ClassMarker is an online testing system that, in simplest terms, allows instructors
to create online tests, administer them to specified groups of users (such as students),
and to analyze the results of these administered tests. All based online, instructors can
specify when and for how long students may take these tests, which are then graded automatically,
and ultimately reported to the instructor in a convenient format.
Good Features:
Allows questions to be saved and reused
Allows user to import questions from other sources with standardized layouts
Allows instructors to specify who can take the test, and when
Editable test layouts - questions can be reordered
Allows sharing of test questions (if desired) with other ClassMarker users
Tests can be randomized to prevent cheating
Bad Features:
Questions from the question bank that are used on ungraded tests cannot be deleted
You eventually have to pay to continue having the site grade your student's submissions automatically
Test layout customization is limited
Missing Features:
Differing question types : ClassMarker uses multiple choice questions exclusively
Difficulty ranking for questions
Test parameters : it lacks the feature of generating tests based on difficulty and time allowed
Detailed generate button – there is only one standard way of creating tests
Ability to generate a unique test for each student
Organizing by question type
"Question Associations"
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