1.5.4. Easy Test Maker
Easy Test Maker is an online test generator that allows users to create any kind of test they would like to make.
This includes multiple choice question, fill in the blank, short answer, true/false,
as well as matching. The site is very user friendly and allows teachers and professors
create tests in a quick and simple fashion.
Although Easy Test Maker comes with these features, many of them are only for premium users,
which means that in order to get the better features, users will have to pay.
Good Features:
covers many of the common test question types
provides users the create different versions of the test
tests are saved so there is no need to re-create tests
allows for online testing and automated grading
Spell check
can be downloaded as PDF or Word documents
can assign points to each question
overall it's nice and simple, without a lot of superfluous features
Bad Features:
users need to pay in order to get features that makes test making better
has only one level of undo/redo
can only create one question at a time
if not a paid user, many options are limited and test making is less creative
users cannot share tests between each other
Missing Features
not able to make coding questions
does not contain a question bank for the user to create tests out of
cannot specify questions by difficulty
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