1.5.2. WizardTM
WizardTM is a testing tool with an easy to use interface. It provides the basic functions of a testing tool, like adding and editing questions. However, WizardTM does not have a way to administer these tests to students, and does not provide sharing its question bank between multiple users.
Good Features:
Provides a way to add new questions and edit existing questions
User friendly interface
Allows searching for keywords to find questions
Provides ability to filter and group questions into categories
Gives the user a question bank of over 180000 questions covering subjects like Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, World Language, and Spanish
Allows ability to scramble questions for different versions of tests
Bad Features:
Only has pre-determined subjects which does not include programming questions
Database of given questions may not be relevant to the user
Missing Features:
Does not provide a way for students to take the test online
Does not have the function to grade tests since students cannot take tests online
Cannot share question bank between multiple users
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