1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Grader Application project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:

  1. End Users

    1. Student

    2. Teacher

  2. Customers

  3. Domain Experts

  4. System Developers

End users are those who use the Grader Application for its intended purpose. Student end users will be able to use the application to view their grades. They will have the ability to make make some alterations to their grades to see the projection of their final grades. Teacher end users will be able to use the application to post their class grades. They will have the ability to alter grades and curves for whole classes.

The primary customer is Gene Fisher. He has come up with the project specifications and is reported to with at most weekly iterations. He has the ability to sell the end product as his own.

The domain expert is Gene Fischer. He brings the experience of what works and what does not work for a Grader Application. He offers his opinion on what ideas are most vital to a well designed Grader Application.

The system developers will be our CSC 308 group, consisting of six members: Grant Campanelli, Michael Murphy, Mike Ryu, Matt Bleifer, Grant Plaster, and Scotty Beauchamp. The system will be developed in Spring, 2015, in the CSC 309 class.

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