2.1. User Interface Overview

When the admin user initially invokes the Scheduler tool, the screen appears as shown in Figure 1. When the student initially invokes the Scheduler tool, the screen appears as shown in Figure 2. When the instructor initially invokes the Scheduler tool, the screen appears as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1: Initial screen.

The initial display for the admin, as seen in Figure 1, consists of three options: Database Management, Manage Schedules, and View Schedules.

The Database Management option allows the admin to view and edit instructor, course, room, and building databases. The Manage Schedules option allows admin to generate, edit, and create schedules schedules. The View Schedules option allows admin to view existing and past schedules.

Figure 2: Initial screen for student.

The initial display for the student, as seen in Figure 2, consists of two options: Schedules and Feedback.

The Schedules option takes the user to a page where he or she can view a schedule for a specific quarter. The Feedback option takes the user to a page where he or she provides feedback per quarter on if he or she was able to sign up for their desired classes.

Figure 3: Initial screen for instructor.

The initial display for the instructor, as seen in Figure 3, consists of two options: Schedules and Preferences.

The Schedules option takes the user to a page where he or she can view a schedule for a specific quarter. The Preferences option takes the user to a page where he or she enters preferences for a specific term.

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