1.5.1. ExamView Assessment Suite
The ExamView Assessment Suite is a powerful suite of tools that is used to create, administer, and grade classroom exams. The suite consists of:
the ExamView Test Generator, which is used to create assessments, study guides, and worksheets; the ExamView Test Manager, which analyzes students' results and generates comprehensive reports; and the ExamView Test Player, which allows students to take tests and view study guides.
Good Features:
Allows creation of custom questions, as well as using questions from textbook publishers' test banks.
Allows instructors to assess, track, and analyze individual and group performance.
Automatic scoring and assessments on both tests taken over the network or tests taken on plain paper.
Allows creation of exams with various different layout formats.
Allows custom weighting of questions.
Allows generation of dynamic questions by substituting values, text, and answer choices.
Provides web interface for taking exams.
Bad Features:
Allows integration of state standards into tests.
Most export formats are proprietary and require more software.
Primarily designed for using with test banks provided by textbook publishers.
Missing Features:
Linux support, since the machines in Cal Poly's CSC Department's Labs primarily run Linux.
Does not have support for grading short answer questions.
Does not support grading exams that involve programming.
Missing an advanced interface for creating exams.
Missing support for exporting exams as pdf.
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