2.4. Categories and Assignments

This section covers the following topics:

2.4.1 Adding a Category to a Course

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Add Category and the dialog box Figure 2.4.1a appears.

Figure 2.4.1a

The instructor then enters the Category Name, Hierarchical Parent, Category Weight and how assignments without a user-defined weight in that category behave in the appropriate fields, as in Figure 2.4.1b.

Figure 2.4.1b

Category Name is the name that appears in the gradebook as the hierarchal parent for each appropriate assignment or sub-category. Hierarchical Parent is the parent to this category; because none have been made at this time, the only option is the course itself. Category Weight is the mathematical weight given out of 100 that is consumed from the parent course or category. The final combo box defines the behavior of the assignments contained in this category with a user-defined weight; the first option gives each assignment an even weight, regardless of their raw score while the second option scales the assignments relative to their raw score.

Once the instructor is finished and clicks Add, the category is added to the gradebook, as shown in Figure 2.4.1c.

Figure 2.4.1c

2.4.2 Adding a Category to a Category

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Add Category and the dialog box Figure 2.4.1a appears.

Like Section 2.4.1, the instructor can then enter the Category Name, Hierarchical Parent, Category Weight and how assignments without a user-defined weight in that category behave in the appropriate fields. If available, the Hierarchical Parent combo box show the course along with all available categories and sub-categories, as shown in Figure 2.4.2a.

Figure 2.4.2a

The instructor chooses whether this category belongs to another category or the current course, as in Figure 2.4.2b.

Figure 2.4.2b

Once the instructor is finished and clicks Add, the category is added to the gradebook, as shown in Figure 2.4.2c.

Figure 2.4.2c

Continuing this process of adding categories results in Figure 2.4.2d.

Figure 2.4.2d

2.4.3 Adding an Assignment to a Course

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Add Assignment and the system displays the dialog box shown in Figure 2.4.3a.

Figure 2.4.3a

The dropdown menu next to "Parent:" allows the instructor to select the parent category for the assignment from a list of categories that they have created. To add an assignment to the course without adding it to a custom category, the instructor must select the course name from this dropdown list as shown in Figure 2.4.3b.

Figure 2.4.3b

The instructor can then enter information relevant to the assignment, as shown in Figure 2.4.3c.

Figure 2.4.3c

After entering the remainder of the assignment's information, including raw score, an optional percentage weight, a due date, and whether the assignment has a handin directory, the instructor clicks "Add" and the assignment is added to the gradebook. The gradebook will now display a column for the newly added assignment, as seen is Figure 2.4.3d.

Figure 2.4.3d

2.4.4 Adding an Assignment to a Category

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Add Assignment and the system displays the dialog box shown in Figure 2.4.4a.

Figure 2.4.4a

The dropdown menu next to "Parent:" allows the instructor to select the parent category for the assignment from a list of categories that they have created. To add an assignment to a category , the instructor must select the category name from this dropdown list as shown in Figure 2.4.4b.

Figure 2.4.4b

The instructor can then enter information relevant to the assignment, as shown in Figure 2.4.4c.

Figure 2.4.4c

After entering the remainder of the assignment's information, including raw score, an optional percentage weight, a due date, and whether the assignment has a handin directory, the instructor clicks "Add" and the assignment is added to the gradebook.

Figure 2.4.4d

Continuing this process of adding assignments results in Figure 2.4.4e.

Figure 2.4.4e

2.4.5 Editing Categories and Assignments

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Manage and dialog box from Figure 2.4.5a appears.

Figure 2.4.5a

The instructor can then click on the cog icon and Grader shows a new dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.4.5b after the user clicks on the cog next to 'Quiz a'.

Figure 2.4.5b

Once the instructor has finished making their changes, as shown in Figure 2.4.5c, and clicks on Done, they may view their changes in the Gradebook as shown in Figure 2.4.5d.

Figure 2.4.5c

Figure 2.4.5d

2.4.6 Deleting Categories and Assignments

From the top level Grades menu (shown in Section 2.1: UI Overview), the instructor selects Manage and dialog box from Figure 2.4.6a appears.

Figure 2.4.6a

The instructor can then click on the trash icon and Grader shows a new dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.4.6b.

Figure 2.4.6b

Once the instructor has confirmed they wish to delete their Categories and Assignments and click on Yes, then they may view their change in the Gradebook as shown in Figure 2.4.6c. Clicking on No will make no changes to the Gradebook.

Figure 2.4.6c

2.4.7 Entering Grades

To enter a raw score for a student's assignment, the instructor can double-click on the cell of interest, Grader changes the cell to editable, and allows the instructor to enter a score as shown in Figure 2.4.7a. When scores have been entered, Grader changes the background color of the cell to indicate a change.

Figure 2.4.7a

Continuing this process for all grades results in the following gradebook, as shown in Figure 2.4.7b.

Figure 2.4.7b