1.2. System Personnel

The involved parties for the Grader project are listed below:

  1. end users

    1. students

    2. teachers

    3. administration

  2. customers

  3. system developers

  4. software engineering students

  5. outside parties

End users are composed of those who use the Grader application. Students have access to their own personal grades, the ability to view their standings in relation to the class, and the ability to use several of the teacher abilities to predict the outcome of their final grade. Teachers use this software as a way to post, store, and weight assignments for their class. Teachers also are able to adjust the grading scheme and curve based off of a histogram of the class performance. Administration has access to the final scores of the students in order to update their grade at the end of each term.

Gene Fisher is the primary customer for the Grader application. He specified the functionality that he desired for this application and his needs are tailored to the needs of a Computer Science teacher at California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly).

Gene Fisher also has the role of the primary system developer. He has managed the team throughout each step of development, throughout the project duration, he reviewed the design process, documentation and implementation.

Mallika Potter, Quan Tran, Tobias Bleisch, Greg Davis, Connor Batch, Jon Amireh, and Alex Miller are the software engineering students which were managed by Fisher throughout the development of this product.

The Grader application is open source and while the specifications are for a Computer Science class at Cal Poly, it will be open and applicable for all subjects at any university.

The Grader application is available as public domain software for use by third parties.

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