2.7.2 Predicting Grades

To enter a desired final grade, the user should select the current final grade, and replace it with their desired grade. This input can be a percentage or a letter grade.

Figure a: Adding a desired final grade

Figure b: Adding an unreachable final grade

The grader will automatically calculate the required scores on the remaining assignments, or tell the user that their desired grade is impossible to achieve. The graphs will be adjusted accordingly.

Similarly, the user can enter in a score for any of the categories or assignments. To enter a desired assignment grade, the user should select the current assignment grade, and replace it with their desired score. The input can be a percentage or a letter grade.

Figure c: Estimating by category

The grader will factor in this new score into the final grade calculation, and the charts will update accordingly.
If the student wants to undo or redo a change, they can select the appropriate option from the Edit menu. Alternately, Ctrl-Z will undo changes, and Ctrl-Y will restore them.
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