(* * Module Authoring defines the operations needed to perform Authoring * within a Lesson in CSTutor. * *)
-- Node Functions
--no nodes in lesson operation AddInfoNode is inputs: lesson:Lesson; outputs: node:InfoNode, lesson':Lesson; description: (* Adding a node to an empty lesson requires only the lesson you are working on. A new empty node is returned to you. This is the first thing an instructor must do when creating a lesson. *); precondition: (* no nodes in the lesson. *)
(lesson.node_count = 0);
postcondition: (* the lesson contains the new node, node_count = 1 *)
(node in lesson'.info_node) and (lesson.node_count = 1); end AddInfoNode;
-- if nodes exsist in the lesson operation AddInfoNode is inputs: old_node:InfoNode, lesson:Lesson; outputs: new_node:Node; description: (* Adding an info_node to the current lesson requires a InfoNode and the Lesson it will be contained in. A new Lesson is returned that contains the new InfoNode as the last node in the lesson. *); precondition: (* The max number of nodes has not been exceeded *)
(lesson.node_count < (lesson.node_limit-1));
postcondition: (* The node is the last in the lesson, the lesson gets the last node being worked on in the editor added to the lesson. *)
(lesson.node_count = lesson.node_count + 1)
(new_node = nil)
(* updates links *) (new_node in lesson.info_node); end AddInfoNode;
operation AddQuizNode is inputs: quiz_node:Node, lesson:Lesson; outputs: new_node:QuizNode; description: (* Adding an quiz_node to the current lesson requires a QuizNode and the Lesson it will be contained in. A new Lesson is returned that contains the new QuizNode as the last node in the lesson. *);
precondition: (* The max number of nodes has not been exceeded *)
(lesson.node_count < (lesson.node_limit-1));
postcondition: (* The node is the last in the lesson, the lesson is 100% intact and unchanged except for the addition of the quiz_node. *)
(lesson.node_count = lesson.node_count + 1)
(new_node = nil)
(* updates links *) (new_node in lesson.quiz_node); end AddQuizNode;
operation DeleteNode is inputs: node:Node, lesson:Lesson; outputs: lesson':Lesson, node':Node; description: (* Deleting any node requires the node and the lesson. The lesson is returned without the selected node. *);
preconditions: (* a node is in the current lesson *)
(exists(node in lesson.info_node) node = nil)
(exists(node in lesson.quiz_node) node = nil);
postconditions: (* The remaining nodes in the lesson fall linearly into place. The lesson is 100% intact and unchanged except for the removal of the quiz_node. *)
(lesson.node_count = lesson.node_count - 1)
(* update links *) (node'.prev_node = node.prev_node)
(node'.nxt_node = node.nxt_node)
(lesson' = lesson); end DeleteNode;
operation EditNodeProperties is inputs: node:Node, old_properties:NodeProperties, new_properties:NodeProperties; outputs: node':Node;
precondition: (* make sure the fields being edit are not empty *)
(old_properties.title != nil)
(old_properties.summary != nil)
(new_properties.title != nil)
(new_properties.summary != nil);
postcondition: (* The pertinent data edited by the author: title, summary and position are contained in the Node, and this update is reflected in the Lesson. *)
(old_properties = new_properties)
(node' = node);
description: (* Editing the NodeProperties requires the Node you are editing information on, its Lesson and its pertinent subdata. A new Lesson is returned that contains the new nodes data. *); end EditNodeProperties;
-- End of Node Functions
-- Lesson Functions operation EditLessonProperties is inputs: lesson:Lesson, old_properties:LessonProperties, new_properties:LessonProperties; outputs: lesson':Lesson;
precondition: (* make sure the fields are not empty *)
(lesson != nil)
(old_properties.author != nil)
(old_properties.made != nil)
(old_properties.title != nil)
(new_properties.author != nil)
(new_properties.made != nil)
(new_properties.title != nil);
postcondition: (* The pertinent data edited by the author are contained in the Lesson, and this update is reflected in the Lesson. *) (old_properties = new_properties)
(lesson' = lesson);
description: (* Editing the LessonProperties requires the Lesson you are editing and its pertinent subdata. A new Lesson is returned that contains the new lesson properties. *); end EditLessonProperties;
-- NodeTool Functions operation addText is inputs: node:Node, text:Text; outputs: node':Node; description: (* Adding Text to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data need for the Text to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end addText;
operation editText is inputs: node:Node, text:Text; outputs: node':Node; description: (* Adding Text to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data need for the Text to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end editText;
operation editFont is inputs: node:Node, text:Text; outputs: node':Node; description: (* Adding Text to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data need for the Text to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end editFont;
operation addCodeSegment is inputs: node:Node, code_object:CodeSegment; outputs: node':Node; description: (* Adding a codeseg to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data need for the codeseg to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the codeseg object, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end addCodeSegment;
operation editCode is inputs: node:Node, text:CodeTextArea; outputs: node':Node; description: (* editing code to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data needed for the code to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end editCode;
-- NavLink type 1: URL given operation addNavLink is inputs: node:Node, url:URL; outputs: node':Node, navlink:NavLink; description: (* Adding a url navlink to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and all the data need for the url to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end addNavLink;
-- this operation is here from the Enter URL window...that operation has be modeled. -- and get lesson path for a node not in the lesson also has to be modeled, this -- action is done using a view of the Lesson Explorer. operation GetURL(url:string)->URL; operation GetLessonPath(path:string)->string;
operation addNavLink is inputs: node:Node, lessonPath:LinkPath, title:LessonTitle; outputs: node':Node, navlink:NavLink; description: (* Adding a navlink button requires information of the linkpath and the lessons title (to be placed on top of the button. *); preconditions: (* the maximum number of nodes has not been reached. CSTutor does not check that lessons exist after a navlink is inserted. if they don't exist an error is thrown. *); postconditions: (* The navlink object is in the node and selected. *); end addNavLink;
operation InsertImage is inputs: node:Node, lesson:Lesson, image:Image; outputs: node':Node;
preconditions: (* the maximum number of items in a node has not been reached and the image is supported by CSTutor *)
(node.item_count < ( node.item_limit-1 )) and canRead(image);
postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. The image. *)
(node' in lesson.info_node) and (lesson.node_count = lesson.node_count + 1);
description: (* Adding an image to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and the file of the image to be in the node. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); end InsertImage;
operation addStraightLine is inputs: node:Node, line:StraightLine; outputs: node':Node; description: (* adding a line *); preconditions: (* The max number of items in a node has not been exceeded or met. *)
(node.item_count < (node.item_limit - 1));
postconditions: (* The selected items' bounding box appears. *)
(node.item_count = node.item_count + 1) and (node' = node); end addStraightLine;
operation addCurveLine is inputs: node: Node, line:CurveLine, lesson:Lesson; outputs: node':InfoNode; description: (* adding a curveline. *); preconditions: (* The max number of items in a node has not been exceeded or met. *)
(node.item_count < (node.item_count - 1));
postconditions: (* The selected item appears in node *)
(node.item_count = node.item_count + 1)
(node'.item_count = node.item_count)
(node' in lesson.info_node); end addCurveLine;
operation addRectangle is inputs: node:Node, rectangle:Rectangle; outputs: node':Node; description: (* adding a rectangle outline *); preconditions: (* the max number of items in a node has not been exceeded or met. *); postconditions: (* the rectangle is in the node, it is update and so is the lesson. *); end addRectangle;
operation addOval is inputs: node:Node, oval:Oval; outputs: node':Node; description: (* adds a oval outline. *); pre: (* the max number of items in a node has not been exceeded or met. *); post: (* the rectangle is in the node, it is update and so is the lesson. *); end addOval;
-- Support Functions
-- For all items except Image, and Text. operation modifyColor is inputs: color:Color; outputs: color': Color; description: (* Changing the color requires the current color and Item being edited, then that item is returned with the new color. *); preconditions: (* the item has an editable color. *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. Also the lesson is updated to reflect these changes. *); end ChooseNewColor;
operation getRGB(red:Red, blue:Blue, green:Green)->Color; (* this is the color function when a user views the color wheel and click on the mouse, they get a color composed of a rgb. *)
operation SelectItem is inputs: item: NodeItem, node:Node; outputs: is_selected':boolean; description: (* selecting an item. *); preconditions: (* There are items in the Node. *); postconditions: (* The selected items' bounding box appears. *); end SelectItem;
-- support functions for Select/Move/Resize tool. operation MoveItem is inputs: item: NodeItem, node:Node; outputs: region':Region, node':Node; description: (* moving an item *); preconditions: (* There is at least one item in the node and it is selected. *); postconditions: (* the items region (x1, y1, x2, y2) values are changed. 'area' is unchanged. *); end MoveItem;
operation ResizeItem is inputs: item:NodeItem, region:Region, node:Node; outputs: region':Region, node':Node; description: (* Resizing an Item. *); preconditions: (* An item is selected. *); postconditions: (* The item (x1, y1) position stay the same, it's area variable is changed. *); end ResizeItem;
operation changeFontStyle is inputs: text:string, begin_index:integer, end_index:integer, old_style:FontStyle, new_style:FontStyle; outputs: text':string, old_style':FontStyle; description: (* changing the font style *); preconditions: (* The text field is selected *); postconditions: (* The selected text field will show the desired changes *); end changeFontStyle;
operation changeFontType is inputs: text:string, begin_index:integer, end_index:integer, old_style:FontStyle, new_style:FontStyle; outputs: text':string, old_style':FontStyle; description: (* changing the font type *); preconditions: (* The text field is selected *); postconditions: (* The selected text field will show the desired changes *); end changeFontType;
operation changeFontSize is inputs: text:string, begin_index:integer, end_index:integer, old_style:FontStyle, new_style:FontStyle; outputs: text':string, old_style':FontStyle; description: (* changing the font size *); preconditions: (* The text field is selected *); postconditions: (* The selected text field will show the desired changes *); end changeFontSize;
operation addBackground is inputs: node:Node, color:Color, image:Image; outputs: node':Node; preconditions: (* a node is opened *); postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. *); description: (* Adding a background to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and the file of the image to be in the node or a color. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); end addBackground;
-- QuizNode Funtions operation AddQuestion is inputs: node:QuizNode, question:Question, lesson:Lesson; outputs: node':QuizNode; preconditions: (* a node is opened and is a quiz node *)
node in lesson.quiz_node;
postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. *)
(node' = node);
description: (* Adding a question in a node requires the node you are editing. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, node is also updated. *); end AddQuestion;
operation RemoveQuestion is inputs: node:QuizNode, lesson:Lesson; outputs: node':QuizNode; preconditions: (* a node is opened and is a quiz node *)
node in lesson.quiz_node;
postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. *)
(node.question = nil)
(node' = node);
description: (* Removing a question in a node requires the node you are editing. A new node is returned to the user with the updates. *); end RemoveQuestion;
operation addScoreTable is inputs: node:QuizNode, lesson:Lesson; outputs: node':QuizNode; preconditions: (* a node is opened and is a quiz node *)
node in lesson.quiz_node;
postconditions: (* The node you were working on is updated to reflect the changes the author has done. *)
(node'.table = node.table);
description: (* Adding a background to a node requires the Lesson, the node you are editing and the file of the image to be in the node or a color. A new node is returned to the user with the updates, the lesson is also updated. *); end addScoreTable;
-- auxillury functions used by CSTutor behind the scenes.
function canRead(image:Image)->boolean = (
-- checking the type of file. -- where '.name' is a component of the obj File in File.rsl -- that is the filename of the file, checking the last chars. (image.name = ".jpg") or (image.name = ".gif");
) end;