2.12. Details of Edit Commands

2.12.1. Undo, Redo

A user may use the Undo and Redo commands to revert to a previous state of their lesson while in the editor mode. These commands are found in the Edit menu as Undo and Redo (Edit -> Undo/Redo). The Undo and Redo commands only function one level deep. This means that a user can only Undo the last command applied and likewise only Redo the last Undo. For example, if a user is editing a lesson and they use the Rectangle tool to create a box around some text and then use the Oval tool to outline a phrase of text, they can use the Undo command to remove the oval (the last command). The user cannot continue using the Undo command (e.g. to remove the rectangle as well). They can only use the Redo command to put the Oval back.

Multi-level Undo/Redo commands should become available in version 2 of the CSTutor application.

2.12.2. Cut, Copy, Paste

A user may use the Cut, Copy and Paste commands to easily edit and move around selections of text. The Cut and Copy commands require there be an active text selection while Pase does not. However, the Paste command does require that there is a cursor placed somewhere in an active text region and also that an item has been cut or copied previously, otherwise, there would be nothing to paste.

The Cut command (Edit -> Cut) deletes all currently selected text and retains the text in the "Clipboard" so that it can be pasted in the future. The Copy command (Edit -> Copy) makes a copy of all currently selected text and places it in the clipboard. The copy command does nothing to alter the current state of the text selection. The Paste command (Edit -> Paste) inserts the text currently contained in the "Clipboard" wherever the active text cursor is currently placed. It should be noted that when a user closes the CSTutor application, all "Clipboard" data is lost.

The Cut, Copy and Paste commands should handle more types of node elements other than just text in version 2 of the CSTutor application.

2.12.3. Delete

The Delete command only functions in the Editor mode and is only available if there is currently an active item in the node that is being edited ('active' meaning, the item that currently has the selection box around it). When an item is active and the user selects the Delete command, the active item gets removed from the node. This results in there being no active item in the node that is currently being edited.

In version 1 of the CSTutor application, the user must be careful when using the delete command due to the restrictions on the Undo/Redo commands. If an item is accidentally deleted, the only way to get the item back is to use the Undo command before any other commands are executed, otherwise, the deleted element will be lost.

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