2.13. Details of Errors and their Conditions

2.13.1. Possible Error Windows

When an error occurs within CSTutor the following window shows a description of the error:

Figure 1: The generic error window where msg is the full error message shown in the error table.

2.13.2. Conditions of Errors

The following table gives an unorder listing of possible errors within CSTutor and the corresponding full error message. Due to the fact that our RSL was not completed until the last day (today 12/12/2002) I am until to complete this table.

Error Condition Full Error Message
Instructor attempts to put 101th item into a Node. (max is 100) Maximum number of items allowed in a Node has been exceeded. Please create a new Node.
Instructor attempts to put 101th Node into the Lesson. (max is 100) Maximum number of Nodes allowed in a Lesson has been exceeded. Create a new Lesson please.
The system cannot find the specified server upon transmission of user stats. Unable to find path: <student_record_path>. Your session data was unable to be saved.
A saved lesson file is corrupted, and instructor tries to open it. Unable to open file: <file>. File is corrupted.
some unknown error occurs. an unknown error occured withinin CSTutor.

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